“Republicans got outsmarted by a President who can’t find his pants.” – IOTW Report

“Republicans got outsmarted by a President who can’t find his pants.”

GP: “NO”: Rep. Nancy Mace Eviscerates Biden-McCarthy Debt Ceiling Deal, “Republicans got outsmarted by a President who can’t find his pants.”

Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) eviscerated the debt ceiling deal between Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and Joe Biden in a Twitter thread posted Tuesday morning in which she announced she would be voting “NO” on the deal. After a detailed takedown of the bill, Mace observed; “63% of Americans want Congress to cut spending as part of a debt ceiling deal. This bill doesn’t do that. Unacceptable.”

The Biden-McCarthy agreement is not holding up under scrutiny and is being seen by conservative lawmakers in both houses of Congress as a cave by McCarthy. (Read the 99 page bill at this link.)

18 Comments on “Republicans got outsmarted by a President who can’t find his pants.”

  1. “Republicans got outsmarted by…………..Obama, Axelrod, Jarred, Pelosi, Schumer, Klein, Podesta, Philips, Mayorkas”


    “Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023″

    If only

    So let’s just see if Mace and all the other so-called verklempt conservatives actually take a stand and say,”Nope, not good enough, get back in there and come up with something we can take back to the voters without hiding our heads in shame”.

  2. Sooner or later you’re going to have to face the fact that what is happening has NOTHING to do with incompetence and EVERYTHING to do with intent.

    Every act of compliance you engage in, builds a prison for future generations.


  3. Congress has written any legislation in 30 years. Legislation is written by “K-Street. Lobbyists write the laws; congress sells the laws; lobbyists then pay congress commissions for passing their laws.”
    Those that are promoting this a a good thing, are already excepting payoffs.
    Soon those that appose this bill will be deemed white supremacists, extremists, or maybe even terrorists.


  4. I DUNNO. Nancy Mace is a big time freaken RINO. Is she controlled opposition. Is this true?

    Do are so called conservative reps try to out conservative each other? If so, they’re not helping. And I have no idea if this is a good deal or not. I know the Dems are not happy. Who knows. To much smoke ad mirrors.

  5. I suppose the first step is to decide who the real RINOs are.
    If you think Ron DeSantis is one then you are destined to lose.
    If you can’t discern those on our side then you deserve to lose.
    Sorry but I grow weary listening to trash about the man who has done more for the conservative cause in the past four years than anyone.
    Not looking for a fight or argument.
    If you get triggered simply ignore me.

  6. This is a great example of how maddening this all is. And to think that staffers and K Streeters are telling our reps and senators how to vote. I don’t think more that a handful of either even have an elementary grasp of what they vote on. So here we have one view of this debacle saying that spending has been cut by 2 trillion dollars. And on the other hand we have a debt limit extended not by dollars, but by the calendar. The debt limit, from what I’ve read, is extended to 2025, without a dollar limit. 2025 coincidently is after the 2024 election. It’s estimated that our federal debt will rise by 4 trillion dollars, but that’s just an estimate. Who the hell knows what it will be. You can bet it will be whatever it takes to buy the next election. All I know for sure is that those of us that make an honest living, fulfill our obligations, treat people they we want to be treated ourselves, take care of our loved ones, are being fucked to death by our government and those that are actually running our government. THERE IS NO VOTING OUR WAY OUT OF THIS!!!

  7. Bullshit, that’s their story, the establishment were meeting with Democrats in the smoky back rooms, basement dungeons and bathhouses in and around DC all through this fiasco.

  8. Every get some pork tonight (sung to the tune of Everybody get stoned tonight…)

    Politicians are gonna politic, lobbyists are gonna lob, and globalysts ate gonna globe, and Americans are screwed.

  9. “Republicans got outsmarted by a President who can’t find his pants.”

    Should read; “Republicans are complicit with a President who can’t find his pants.”

  10. Headline assumes GOP wanted what would be a good deal for working Americans. BAS ASS – U – ME!
    If you assume GOP “leaders’ were UNIPARTY then Joe gave them just what they wanted. RIGHT ASSUMPTION.

    Those “outsmarted” were those thinking Kev was conservative.

  11. McCarthy never intended to limit spending, he was going to increase the debt ceiling all along.
    No surprise here.

    Ryan, Boehner, McCarthy and McCONnell are cut from the same cloth.

    Talk tough as though you’ll fight, then Retreat and Surrender. Action speaks louder than lies.


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