Fight breaks out at funeral service for trans Walgreens shoplifter – IOTW Report

Fight breaks out at funeral service for trans Walgreens shoplifter


Funeral services for the San Francisco transgender homeless shoplifter named Banko Brown, who was shot and killed by a Walgreens security guard, spiraled into chaos as tempers flared and violence threatened to consume the gathering.

The service was held Thursday at the Third Baptist Church of San Francisco and was led by NAACP Reverend Dr. Amos Brown. It was attended by family members and activists. The gathering took place the day before the announcement of a wrongful-death lawsuit against Walgreens, the guard who shot Brown, and Kingdom Group Protective Services, which is the security company that employed the security guard.

For about ten minutes the service devolved into bedlam as anger boiled over among attendees. Different factions yelled at each other and it looked like a fight would break out with family members standing in between them trying to calm everyone down. more here

12 Comments on Fight breaks out at funeral service for trans Walgreens shoplifter

  1. Funeral fights are the best. Friend of mine once had his ex wife fight hammer and tongs with his girlfriends (yes, plural) at his viewing, requiring police intervention and a tresspassing arrest to resolve.

    No weapons were involved though. Unless you consider fingernails to be weapons.

    I knew he was good with the ladies, but you must have really been SOMETHING if the chicks will fight over your corpse…

  2. Little Mermaid turns into Fight Club.
    Funerals become MMA matches.
    I won’t even go into a Waffle House, because I value my life.
    Is there anywhere “some people”, will show a little civility and decorum?
    Or is every public venue going to become property of Thunderdrome?

  3. “…casket just moved into Third Baptist Church in San Francisco.”
    Why do they need a “third” Baptist Church?
    Is this the one where the scripture is twisted to allow pedophilia?

  4. So was this homeless violent transgender hopped up on free testosterone from the city/state. Clearly the meds helped to bring all kinds of joy to those unfortunate to encounter this aggressive mentally ill individual.

  5. Jethro
    AT 9:37 AM

    “Is this the one where the scripture is twisted to allow pedophilia?”

    …well, consider the NAACP “minister” performing the service is probably steeped in the “Reverend” Cone’s “Liberation Theology” where he posits things like;

    “the God of the oppressed takes sides with the black community. God is not color-blind in the black-white struggle, but has made an unqualified identification with blacks.”

    …and even suggests killing God, cf…

    “If God is not for us, if God is not against white racists, then God is a murderer, and we had better kill God. The task of black theology is to kill gods that do not belong to the black community”

    …then yes, I suppose if you think God hating White people is scripural and that you can kill Him, then its not hard to pretend like Romans 1 or most of the Old Testament don’t exist as well…

  6. So much stupid and evil going on at that funeral. Where to begin. Yes,the church is vile and corrupted by black liberation theology supported by the NAACP, a Marxist faction. God has nothing to do with doctrines of devils – 1 Timothy 4:1 and there are tons of demoniacs in that church.

    Nothing says gang affiliated like most every funeral attendee was wearing red which represents the Bloods gang. The thieving trans man, born a woman obviously was a member of the gang. Fight probably broke out because rival gang decided to show their “respect” for idiot now in gangster’s paradise aka Hell. Her parents are degenerates to raise such an anti-social deviant.
    The guard who put down this menace did society a great favor.
    So much wrong with the “black community” continuing to incorporate and facilitate criminal behavior.


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