LGBTQ Radicals Send Target Bomb Threats After Pride Month Merchandise Pullback – IOTW Report

LGBTQ Radicals Send Target Bomb Threats After Pride Month Merchandise Pullback


LGBTQ radicals reportedly deluged Target with bomb threats in retaliation to the retail giant pulling back on some of its Pride Month merchandise after significant backlash.

The bomb threats were allegedly made against several Target stores in at least three states: Utah, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. An email to one Cleveland store that Cleveland 19 News reviewed indicated that radical LGBTQ activists may have been behind the threats.

“Target is full of cowards who turned their back on the LGBT community and decided to cater to the homophobic right-wing redneck bigots who protested and vandalized their store,” the email reportedly read.

In Utah, Salt Lake City police communications director Brent Weisberg told USA TODAY that officers determined that no “credible threat” had been directed at the two stores in the city.

“Officers will continue neighborhood patrols around the Target locations in Salt Lake City out of an abundance of caution,” Weisberg said in a statement.

“We encourage anyone who sees anything suspicious to immediately call 911,” he added. more

13 Comments on LGBTQ Radicals Send Target Bomb Threats After Pride Month Merchandise Pullback

  1. If you’re in business to make money, why wouldn’t you just stay silent on political and moral issues anyway? I’m probably glad they can suffer from both sides canceling themselves for letting us know what they think.

  2. We KNOW the perverts are unhinged.
    Their usage of the word homophobic, for instance.
    I don’t know anyone who’s scared of them – disgusted – certainly – but not scared.

    At any rate, I hope the perverts DO start a bomb campaign against, not just Target, but all the organizations that suck up to them, ANTIFA, and BLM – Anheuser-Busch, Petco, Chic-Fil-A, Burger King, OPM, FBI, IRS, &c.

    Makes you wonder why the perverts haven’t targeted any Mosques, doesn’t it?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. “…homophobic right-wing redneck bigots who protested and vandalized their store.”

    How a left-wing bullshit internet troll, has convinced the low IQ activists that fiction is fact.

  4. The Left NEVER forgives apostasy.

    They are MUCH nastier to anyone who DARES leave the plantation than to anyone whos never been there, and they are PLENTY nasty to folks who haven’t been there.

    Communist know they can ONLY rule by fear, so they have to make an example of anyone who tries to break with them to keep the others in line. This is where Communism ultimately fails in purges and mass murder, because it is NEVER possible to be pure enough for them…

  5. So…..all you stores and businesses out there…..who ya gonna bend to?
    The majority of your customer base?
    Or the small less-then-3% pervs and deviants?

  6. Okay, who are iOTW readers from Utah, Pennsylvania, or Ohio?

    C’mon, stand up, we all know it was you who vandalized Target stores.

    lol. Hey, BFH, delete the logs. They’re coming. Someone is going to take the fall and you know damn well it ain’t a privileged class alphabet letter. The real terrorism lies with those who had nothing to do with it. At most they were in a Target to buy a pair of jeans 6 months ago.

  7. ecp – Ohio here. Naw… Target’s been off my list for years, but I will say they deserve everything that gets thrown at them! I’ll just sit here on the corner of Awesome and Bombdiggity and watch their stock take a dive!


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