Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson Ignores Residents’ Opposition, Fills College with 300 Border Crossers – IOTW Report

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson Ignores Residents’ Opposition, Fills College with 300 Border Crossers

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson (D) is seemingly ignoring opposition from residents on the sanctuary city’s Northwest Side and has prematurely filled the Wilbur Wright College with more than 300 border crossers and illegal aliens.

Weeks ago, Johnson’s office began floating an idea to fill up Wilbur Wright College with hundreds of newly arrived border crossers and illegal aliens — most of whom have no ties to the United States but are taking advantage of President Joe Biden’s expansive Catch and Release network at the southern border.

The initial plan suggested that border crossers and illegal aliens would not be placed at the college until early next month and after input from locals.

This week, though, more than 300 border crossers and illegal aliens were placed at the college despite opposition from residents and without warning. During a town hall meeting last week, residents on Chicago’s Northwest Side spoke out against the city’s plans to turn their neighborhood into a migrant encampment.

“It seems this whole thing was dumped on us,” one resident said. “We pay taxes in this district and we should have been told what’s going on and why.”

16 Comments on Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson Ignores Residents’ Opposition, Fills College with 300 Border Crossers

  1. In Johnson’s “defense,” he has already made it abundantly clear that he doesn’t give a rat’s ass about the legal tax paying citizens of Chicago – yet y’all still elected him as mayor. He’s going to tax businesses and property owners out of the city, he is committed to Chicago being a sanctuary city, he will always side with public unions, and he will molly-coddle the criminal element. These upset citizens, on the other hand, own property in Chicago and aren’t going to go anywhere or do anything until and unless they absolutely have to or are driven out of the city.

    This is the ultimate result of voter virtue signaling. “I will vote for these uber-progressive politicians and policies so long as they don’t actually affect me and are implemented somewhere else.” Guess what? Politicians like Johnson are running out of places to implement their policies and are coming to your neighborhood soon. You don’t have the clout the Martha’s Vineyard folks do and really can’t bus these people out of your enclave – so live with it.

  2. Can they even understand the material?
    No, of course they can’t. But Johnson looks like an idiot, and the kids who were going there to get what they thought was a valuable education are finding out that’s not true. So everybody loses.

  3. Geee, it would be too bad if bad things were to “happen” to these illegal alien invaders in the dark of night, wouldn’t it?
    PantyFag ain’t the only ones that can travel in gangs; wear black clothes, hoods, and face masks; and carry bats and sticks.

  4. All these residents voted Democrat. Nice to see they are getting screwed good and hard by a democrat communist mayor. Another example of suicide by voting for the communist death democrats.

  5. Mayor Brandon, brutha man! You was supposta tell duh whirld we welcome all walks of degeneracy, not act-chully be doin it. Hey man, where my SNAP at dis month it ain’t here yet. tomorrow be June 1st, ya’ll best get it to me my brutha!

  6. @Left Coast Dan

    These aliens are not going to be students! They will be PROFESSORS @ $200,000 salary. Subjects: Cross-Country jogging, Cross Country Walking Vacation Tips, and Bast Techniques for a Knife Fight. The women will teach either Mexican, South/Central American, CHINESE, Middle Eastern or African coooking.

    The teens and young men will sell their sisters for sex, join gangs, murder, rape, steal, carjack, deal drugs, overdose and make the whole neighborhood a crime scene.

    The little children and women will flood the local emergency room.

    Illiterates between ages 4 – 15 will be enrolled in elementary school, ages 16 – 25 in middle school. Most of the males will declare they’re trans so they can invade female spaces.



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