Weapon US gave Ukraine spotted in cartel hands: Report – IOTW Report

Weapon US gave Ukraine spotted in cartel hands: Report

RT: A militant wearing the insignia of Mexico’s notorious Gulf Cartel (Cartel Del Golfo, CDG) was filmed in the state of Tamaulipas carrying a US-made anti-tank missile launcher. Milenio TV identified the weapon as a Javelin, thousands of which were sent to Ukraine by the Pentagon.

Footage filmed in Matamoros on Monday and aired on Tuesday evening by the news channel Milenio TV showed a man with CDG patches armed with a Kalashnikov rifle and a missile they said was the Raytheon-made FGM-148.

Over 10,000 Javelins from Pentagon stockpiles have been sent to Ukraine since last February, to the point where the US military has begun to run out of the missiles itself.

Milenio presenter Azucena Uresti noted on Twitter that the estimated value of a Javelin launcher on the black market was anywhere from $20,000 to $60,000, while the average cost of a missile was about $30,000. read more

15 Comments on Weapon US gave Ukraine spotted in cartel hands: Report

  1. Who’d a thunk??

    Giving free shit to a corrupt country is such a great idea! Please get Lindsay Graham on the phone.

    Our government is run by greedy, soft-skulled cretins.

  2. This was by design. The Democrats and Republican establishment making sure the Cartel Guys get their “fair share.” Ukraine is just The Party’s euphemism for conduit. At best only about 10% of what goes to the Ukraine stays in the Ukraine.

  3. “US military has begun to run out of the missiles itself”
    And some of it has a ridiculous restock time of 5-10 years.
    They aren’t just disarming citizens, but all of America.

  4. If I were a fed I’d be worried. It’s just a matter of time before they show up here and used against them and their armoured vehicles. When it happeneds, thank obumer and brandon.

  5. Bob
    AT 1:33 PM
    “If I were a fed I’d be worried. It’s just a matter of time before they show up here and used against them and their armoured vehicles. When it happeneds, thank obumer and brandon.”

    …they will be used. Maybe for cartel reasons, maybe as a false flag.

    But when they ARE, regardless of who they THANK, they will BLAME White Supremacy and MAGA.

    …and then the mass arrests will begin…

  6. Did you catch this little tidbit: “ The US outlet CBS censored a documentary on weapons supplies intended for Ukraine after the government in Kiev objected to its reporting.”



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