‘COVID deaths’ caused by infections from ventilators pushed by feds, New York: ICU study – IOTW Report

‘COVID deaths’ caused by infections from ventilators pushed by feds, New York: ICU study

Just The News

Bacterial infections associated with ventilators may have caused most of the deaths attributed to COVID-19 among intubated patients, according to a study funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases that reinforces ongoing scrutiny of early treatment protocols and official COVID death figures.

The findings could help explain why New York City, where ventilators were heavily used early in the pandemic, experienced a dramatic spike in COVID mortality even among non-elderly people that wasn’t seen in areas with similar demographics and climate.

The Big Apple went so far as splitting ventilators between patients amid a perceived shortage despite the known risks of lung injury from single-user devices delivering too much or too little oxygen to each shared patient.

Northwestern University researchers used machine learning on medical record data to study the trajectory of nearly 600 “mechanically ventilated patients with severe pneumonia and respiratory failure” in the university hospital’s ICU, The Journal of Clinical Investigation paper states. A third tested positive for SARS-CoV-2. MORE

15 Comments on ‘COVID deaths’ caused by infections from ventilators pushed by feds, New York: ICU study

  1. 1947 conservative, union president, Dem said – I think for the first time – ,
    “The government can never solve our problems … THE GOVERNMENT IS OUR PROBLEM!”
    Ronny would go on to say it thousands of times – 3 times n Johhy /Carson -vthe next 40 years.

    Ronny was right in ’47, still right in ’87 AND WOULD BE RIGHT NOW!

    Will always be right!
    Govt every where, through out history, have always worked for THE UNIPARTY. Usually – as GWB clearly showed – to the detriment of workers!

  2. It’s a crock. Extubation sprays everything everywhere (deceased patient, or not)… so the entire concept of keeping the covid in the patient is bunk.

  3. Whatever the problem Was, we WATCHED them continue to put people on them, KNOWING they were killing them.
    Death is too good for them. Chained in a box in the hot sun, with a little waterfall and pool to look at while they cook.
    Ohh, mosquitoes,, plenty of mosquitoes.

  4. A dear freind and faithful brother in Christ was murdered with a ventilator, blowing out first one lung then the other, and they wouldn’t even let his wife of four decades in to say goodbye.

    There isn’t a pit in hell deep enough to impart a tenth of the suffering those Communists visited upon decent, God fearing people such as him for no reason other than to arrogate unjust power over others to themselves. May the Lord call them to TRUE Judgement soon an very soon, where they will face a Judge they can neither buy nor intimidate.

    Damn them all to hell.

  5. I just found out about an acquaintance that died 6 months ago on a ventilator. 60ish, healthy. Left behind a wife and two grown boys. As soon as they put him on the ventilator all bets were off.

  6. An interesting aside…

    The Louisville Monthly Journal Of Medicine And Surgery, Volume 21 № 3, August 1914, p. 85:
    During the period 1825 to 1875 the standard of temperature of dwellings and public places was gradually increased from 55 degrees F. to 72 degrees F. There was no attempt at corresponding increase of humidity. Fifty-five degrees with natural ventilation implies about 40 degrees relative humidity; 72 degrees F. gives a natural humidity of 20 per cent, or lower. From the health point of view the 20 per cent, decrease in humidity is more important than the 15 degrees rise of temperature.

    Catarrhal and acute infections are more prevalent during the cold months to a degree not credible. Abnormal dryness of the air of our habitation is a factor worthy the attention of hygienists. Dry air is a dust ladened air—and an infection disseminator. Moist air causes precipitation of dust content, and a proper humidity lessens dangers of air borne infections.

  7. 86% of those put on a ventilator, died.
    If family members accepted Covid as the cause of death, they received $9000 for funeral expenses.
    The hospitals got paid a premium for ever patent placed on a ventilator.
    The ruling for death certificates was amended, even if covid wasn’t the primary cause of death, (obesity, cardiac, cancer,…), covid could be listed as the primary cause of death.
    Covid isn’t over, they are planning new vaccines to kill more people.


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