FBI Will Give Congress Joe Biden Bribery Document: Report – IOTW Report

 FBI Will Give Congress Joe Biden Bribery Document: Report

Conservative Brief

FBI Director Christopher Wray finally agreed to allow members of Congress to view an unclassified document next Monday on Capitol Hill after weeks of threats from Republican lawmakers.

The FD-1023 document allegedly links President Joe Biden to a $5 million bribery scheme, a House Oversight Committee spokesperson told Breitbart. “The document is a record of an interview the FBI conducted with an informant, and allegedly details an arrangement involving an exchange of money for policy decisions between now-President Joe Biden and a foreign national.”

“Chairman Comer will receive a briefing from the FBI and review the document on Monday. Chairman Comer has been clear that anything short of producing the FD-1023 form to the House Oversight Committee is not in compliance with his subpoena,” the spokesperson told Breitbart. “This unclassified record contains pages of details that need to be investigated further by the House Oversight Committee.”

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) and Wray held a planned meeting on Wednesday during which the bureau chief verified the existence of the document.

According to reports, the form purportedly contains information about a supposed arrangement involving a financial exchange for policy decisions between current President Biden and a foreign individual, Breitbart News reported. more here

13 Comments on  FBI Will Give Congress Joe Biden Bribery Document: Report

  1. “This unclassified record contains pages of details that need to be investigated further by the House Oversight Committee.”
    So it’s not a slam dunk and will be watered down and go the way of every other “investigation.”

  2. This website is what 16 years old? And how long have we been dreaming of justice? And how many scandals have passed? And how many people have gone to prison? And how many people have sold us out to our enemies and continue to do so? And how many corrupt judges have been appointed?
    And how many freedoms have we lost? And….infinity…

  3. @SNS;
    Not altered, destroyed, reworded and rewritten.

    The CIA, DOJ and FBI destroyed their credibility many years ago.
    The CIA, DOJ and FBI cannot be trusted.

    The list of illegal actions by the CIA, DOJ and FBI against American Citizens is long and terrifying. They have illegally destroyed individuals,families, businesses and their finances while never facing the consequences of their actions.

    Each Agency are weaponized, partisan, political tools of the Democrat House, Senate, Presidency and the DNC.

  4. The simple fact is that the whistle blower made a copy of the original document so Gay Wray could now longer distract or deny.

    That phone call outted him as the political stooge he is and he knew he was only going to get in deeper with a contempt motion backing him into an obstruction corner.

    ValJar decided that it was time to cut bait on the document because the cat was already out of the bag. The political calculation is to now just go with the “unproven allegation” defense.

    It matters so little, Pedo McShitpants is going to step aside, and Manchelle will be the nominee, that’s why the decriept retard is not even pretending to campaign.

    Everyone knows it’s over with that fall yesterday. Stick a fork in the old bastard and let the Cackling Commie Cunt have her day in the sun.

    They will then primary the tweener twat out of the way with the other Black “girl”…

  5. After all the lying, and innocent dead, and Justice denied/deferred,
    if the next picture of Wray we saw was his pale lifeless corpse, on the ground next to Comey’s, Barr’s, Sessions’, etc ad infin,

    it still wouldn’t be enough.


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