Smoke Plume over NYC is all Nova Scotia’s Fault – IOTW Report

Smoke Plume over NYC is all Nova Scotia’s Fault

CFP: About that smoke plume supposedly hanging out in the skies over New York City that Fox News Senior Producer and Meteorologist Greg Diamond is raising global warming hysteria, we think it smells more like burned down peoples’ homes than a “camp fire” or your “neighbor’s barbecue”.

What Diamond is broadly hinting is that a potentially deadly plume of smoke from out of control Canadian forest fires yesterday reached all the way down to New York City—and it’s all Nova Scotia’s fault.

While Canada Free Press (CFP) does not have Diamond’s murky climate change crystal ball or wonky computer models, it does have the decided advantage of being right on the scene of the catastrophic fires, which only yesterday reached the part of the peninsula CFP calls home.

Here’s a picture of the plume which proves that it ain’t headed anywhere near Gotham, but hanging right over Halifax, where some 16,000 people have already been evacuated and alas, here in, Shelburne County. more

8 Comments on Smoke Plume over NYC is all Nova Scotia’s Fault

  1. …Greg Diamond is raising global warming hysteria…

    No, no, no, @MJA! You haven’t been reading the memos!

    “Global Warming” is OUT!
    “Climate Emergency” is IN!

    Meet the new hoax. Same as the old hoax.

    HTH (-:

  2. Try to incite panic and trot out the same old bullshit Globaloney Warming Lies instead of actually doing some investigative reporting?

    Yeah, Fox is a “news” outlet, alright.

    FFS – what will it take to make America Wake the Fuck Up? Don’t answer that …

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. We’ve had weather described on my weather app as “Smoke” the past few weeks and air quality warnings all the way down here in northern Illinois from Canuckistan fires. The entire state of Wisconsin had smokey air alerts for a while. Not sure if you’re speaking of the same fire, but it’s all Canada, so whatever, hoser.

  4. Here’s Jane Fonda making friends and influencing people –

    “Jane Fonda issued a stark warning about climate change on Saturday while placing the blame on white men.

    “We’ve got about seven, eight years to cut ourselves in half of what we use of fossil fuels, and unfortunately, the people that have the least responsibility for it are hit the hardest — Global South, people on islands, poor people of color,” the “Book Club: The Next Chapter” actress said at the Cannes Film Festival. (NY Post, May 30, 2023)

    “It is a tragedy that we have to absolutely stop. We have to arrest and jail those men — they’re all men [behind this].” (NY Post)

    “The two-time Oscar winner added that climate change would not be possible without racism or the patriarchy, in which “white men,” she said, are at the top.

  5. Jane, honey child, go away and find another anti-aircraft gun to pose on in some third world hell hole and peddle your bullshit elsewhere. Sorry dear, you have been a traitor since the early 70’s and you just need to take your 85-year-old crone body and put it out to pasture and assume room temperature. It’s a good thing my 95-year-old late Korean War AF vet FIL is not around anymore, he hated Hanoi Jane’s guts with a passion.

  6. Anglos have said “blame the Scotch’ since Boudicia took London ( for 3 days) from the Romans! 2,000 years ago.
    By God we did it!
    New Scotland is NS in American.

    I’m related the writer director of “Brave” The star is what we think Boudicca looked like! Who. knows? No cameras 2,000 years ago. But I do know she was a fighter, as m I! Old scotch folk song, Johnny made popular 60 years ago, “You can march me up top the gates of hell BUT I WONT BACK DOWN!”! Death before dishonor!

    Chapman is a Sctotch name; but not my clan!

    Scotch are the “salt of the earth”! I say so!

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