Superior Court judge robbed at gunpoint on way to court – IOTW Report

Superior Court judge robbed at gunpoint on way to court


OAKLAND, Calif. – An Alameda County Superior Court judge was robbed at gunpoint while walking to work at a courthouse in Oakland on Thursday.

Judge Kevin Murphy was starting his day when he was robbed by three masked men of his Rolex watch, wallet and other personal items at gunpoint, the Alameda County Sheriff’s Office announced on Thursday

Murphy was walking from a parking garage to the René C. Davidson Courthouse building, which sits near Lake Merritt, when he was robbed, a source said. more here

14 Comments on Superior Court judge robbed at gunpoint on way to court

  1. …commies get vengeful when it’s THEM. Susan Dlott, a lifetime Federal judge, paved the way for this with all KINDS of criminal pardons and coddling, including enabling the Occupy Wall Street folks so well that they went on to become Antifa and BLM. She also has a VERY criminal husband, disbarred lawuh and all around exreable piece of shit excuse for a human being, the breast-cancer money stealing Stan Chessly himself, so she was good to criminals inside and out.

    But it came home to her once. Literally.

    Her and Stan had some obamasons follow her home “because she had a nice car”; looted the place WITH THEM IN IT until the thugs woke them up at gunpoint; kicked Stan down the stairs (not hard enough), stole their money and their car and got away.

    For a little while.

    …you can’t hit a “made” Commie like that though, so they hunted them down and gave them VERY uncharacteristially harsh sentences, all of them, and with no media puling about them being Black and her being White either. The Democommunist establishment, like the devil they serve, takes care of their own, so long as they are useful to the Party.

    …and then, Ms. Communist free-em-all judge, who loosed this evil upon us as all Democrats did, invoked her Democrat privilege to ensure that SHE was given the vengeance that she DENIES the rest of us.

    ‘“Susan looked them in the face and said, ‘Here are keys. I’m a United States federal judge and the FBI will look for you forever,” Chesley said.’

    …gee, that must be nice, to be absolutely confident that FEDERAL FUCKING AGENTS will pursue your robbers over a STATE crime to the ends of the Earth until they are given sentences so long they will be old men IF they live to be released as well.

    …Sure would be nice if the REST of us could have that.

    Look for something similar here.

    Commies WILL avenge other high-level commmies.

    Can’t have their thugs thinking they can target their MASTERS, after all…

  2. The Immutable Law of (Unintended) Consequences strikes again.
    And it couldn’t happen to a nicer a*hole.

  3. @ Mark AT 9:07 AM

    I’ve worn a Rolex Submariner for decades. I rarely take it off. The exceptions have been when I used to visit San Francisco, Portland Seattle or Vancouver BC. I left it home or had it locked un the hotel’s safe as soon as I checked in.

    When I bought it they were a working man’s and sportsman’s watch. Today they have morphed into being a luxury item and status symbol. They have always been a solid timepiece, would I pay the asking price for one today? Hell no. When I bought it it was a bit more than an Omega, but not that much more.

  4. As for the Judge. Is he a victim, or is he a volunteer? He has my sympathies if the former, I could not care less about his targeting if he is the latter.

  5. Those guys made a big mistake. If they are caught, they will get life in prison with no possibility of parole. They should have been more careful so as not to inconvenience one of the important people. That is unforgivable.

  6. More of them need to get mugged. Had no idea they would be foolish enough to walk around with bling…. but who am I to complain. Applause to the 3 hard working youth and next time I want in.


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