Majority of “new jobs” in the US under Biden have gone to foreigners, not Americans – IOTW Report

Majority of “new jobs” in the US under Biden have gone to foreigners, not Americans

Station Gossip

It is no secret that the Biden regime loves to make itself look good by fudging the jobs numbers, but did you know that it is also lying about all these “new jobs” we keep hearing about, which are actually going to foreigners rather than actual Americans?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), there have been more than 3.3 million new jobs created since the peak that occurred just prior to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) crash. This, we are told, serves as evidence that the economy is strong and in much better shape than it actually is.

It would appear as though fake president Joe Biden and his regime have made an incredible accomplishment by erasing the deficit of some 22 million COVID-related job losses in under three years, but further digging reveals a much different reality.

For one, there are peculiarities in the data structure that suggest most of the jobs that were supposedly created in recent years have gone to “multiple jobholders,” meaning people who picked up a second or even third job in addition to their primary one. read more

9 Comments on Majority of “new jobs” in the US under Biden have gone to foreigners, not Americans

  1. Anonymous
    AT 12:24 PM
    “Watcha gonna do when the gestapo brings a dozen Immigrants to move in with you?”

    …they would never do that.

    They would kick YOU out.

    Maybe not your wife and daughters though.

    They have a DIFFERENT job for them…

  2. Yup. Just now read the article. Foreign born does NOT equal foreigners. Ever hear of naturalization. Also, the increase of 2.2 million “foreigners” in the workforce over the last three years is a bit less than the five to six million illegals arriving in the last two-and-a-half years under the Bidet administration.

    Bottom line … the gobment numbers do NOT include the grey-to-black market illegal alien economy in the U.S.


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