CdeByeBye! – IOTW Report


Denver City Council Member Who Wanted to Tax White Owned Businesses and Give Money to Minority Owned Businesses Loses Reelection in Blowout.

GP: In May, we told you about Candi CdeBaca, a member of the city council in Denver who was running for reelection and wanted to tax white owned businesses more and give the money to minority owned businesses.

It was basically a form of reparations based on the far-left concept of equity.

Well, that idea may have cost her the race, because she lost her reelection bid in a blowout. more here

15 Comments on CdeByeBye!

  1. I doubt it.
    My understanding is that Denver is a hotbed of communist/socialist/nazi/fascism – so there must be some other reason. Was her opponent, as was Lightfoot’s in Chicago, more nazi-ish than she?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. That’s a good start.
    Unfortunately, she still has a voice and a platform to spout her idiocy.

  3. Hmmm, seems to me that any epic failure by a leftie will increase their chances of promotion to a higher level.
    Unfortunately, I think we’ll be seeing and hearing more from this POS.
    Paraphrasing the Great Maha-Rushie “It’s a resume-enhancer”.

  4. “… based on the far-left concept of equity.”

    Yea right, and if you believe that I have this bridge in Brooklyn that I can sell you. There is not and never has been any sincerity or motivation by any living follower of the Progressive movement to mitigate innocent human suffering, misery and death by anyone or any population. Never, not one time.

    Leftists use and exploit others to advance their own interests. Always have, always will. It’s as if they are hard wired that way.

    The results of that which they prescribe and advocate for are documented.


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