Saudi Arabia Embraces China, Threatens Washington With ‘Harsh Economic Consequences’ – IOTW Report

Saudi Arabia Embraces China, Threatens Washington With ‘Harsh Economic Consequences’

Gateway Pundit- Back in 2017, Donald Trump was received in Saudi Arabia with pomp and circumstance, a symbolic sword-dance was staged in his honor as an ally, and during all his term there was a concerted effort to bring peace in the middle East via the ‘Abraham Accords’.

But the Joe Biden ‘administration from hell’ has vowed, ever since the campaign, to ‘recalibrate the relationship with Saudi Arabia’, and even turn them into a ‘pariah state’.

This opened up the field for China to take an interest in the Middle East and engage in a ‘courtship’ of traditional U.S. partners.

Just how bad the relations have become can be glimpsed from a ‘Discord Leak’ document just released. more

7 Comments on Saudi Arabia Embraces China, Threatens Washington With ‘Harsh Economic Consequences’

  1. Of course you can’t blame this hot mess on Biden but on TPTB that have their hands up Joe’s ass. What possible good could it do to alienate the Saudis? OTOH there is plenty they can pitch into that dumpster to keep the fire raging.

    Slowly shifting away from petrodollars is going to have really bad repercussions for us. It was the perfect skim, we had a piece of the action on every oil sale in the world(and other resources as well) because the purchase used to have to be made in dollars. And now? Tittering at best. And when those trillions of dollars start to flood back here, combined with more trillions in fairy dust money people like Captain Obvious and MTG just voted for, $8 eggs will look great.

    Plus allowing China to get their foot in the door is so stupid, it defies belief.

    We’re the pariah now.

  2. …Saudi Arabia has always been at best and Eddie Haskell sort of friend to the United States, which is somewhat unavoidable given that it’s a straight up hereditary monarchy in Islamic trappings, something of the Muslim version of Henry VIII’s Anglican church, but at least President Trump knew how to make them dance to our tune with a combination of credible force and actual diplomacy.

    Now Pedo Joe has destroyed both the diplomacy by openly attacking the next in line for that throne even as he destroyed our military on the international stage, with a bonus thrown in that he has populated our remaining military with practitioners of sexual proclivities that any Muslim would consider abhorrent.

    It is little wonder then that the Kingdome turns elsewhere to find a military ally that it may be possible for them to actually abide.

    …It was a running joke during Desert Everything that the marching song of Saudi Arabia was “Onward Christian Soldiers”. The Saudis didn’t particuarly care for a largely Christian military either, but at least have a nodding respect for the central figure of its faith (Jesus appears in the Koran as the Prophet Issa), and also knew damn well those Christians could FIGHT. There is NO such allowance in the Koran for homosexuals and the entire concept of a gay military is a bit…questionable as an effective fighting force at best. No, our military isn’t completely, or even largely, gay, but it has tried VERY hard to present itself to the world that way; so its little wonder that the world should take our military leaders at their own word and write us off as a threat for that reason ALONE, with many OTHER reasons such as our cowardly retreat from Afganistan ordered by a demented pedophile who nevertheless remains in charge and the face America shows the WORLD.

    The Kingdom cannot stand on its own even against its regional Muslim enemies, and they are very well aware of that.

    So they HAVE to have someone with a strong military ready to defend their own interests in them.

    Given that, the illegitimate Pedo Joe regime has effectively DRIVEN them into the arms of our enemy.

    …probably as was planned all along…

  3. Biden has excelled at FAILED National Security issues for 0ver 50 years. Biden has not and will not change, even when his marxist handlers are pulling the puppet strings.

  4. “Biden has excelled at FAILED National Security issues for 0ver 50 years.”
    Remember the Halfrican’s words:
    Never underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up.

    This was caused by the current coups policies. But Joe’s fist bump, a major insult to a Saudi, pushed them over the edge.


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