Zakharova To Blinken: “Solve The Kennedy Assassination Cases” – IOTW Report

Zakharova To Blinken: “Solve The Kennedy Assassination Cases”

The Balkan

At this week’s press briefing. in response to a reporter’s question asking her to respond to U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s claim that Washington would continue to protect human rights and fundamental freedoms in China and around the world, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova called on U.S. officials to solve the Kennedy assassinations before lecturing other countries about democracy.

Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated on the night of June 5, 1968. He was a senator. This year marks the 55th anniversary of his assassination,” Zakharova told reporters. “Before that, as you are aware, his brother, U.S. President John F. Kennedy, was assassinated. That same year, in 1968, Martin Luther King was also assassinated. He was more than a US public figure, he was a fighter for civil rights in the true sense, and he is known all over the world. He gave the world a lot. I cited just three political killings. All of them were committed in the United States and targeted top officials, representatives of the legislative and executive authorities, and civil society. Just three.” more here

10 Comments on Zakharova To Blinken: “Solve The Kennedy Assassination Cases”

  1. This woman is amazing .. She has literally stood at a podium for four hours delivering remarks and answering questions in both Russian and other languages, including English. Shes like the Energizer Bunny. And our corrupt elites yawn

    Meanwhile, Zelenskyy walks on somewhere wearing his tough guy costume and delivers his usual five minute canned speech saying Putin is Hitler and give me more money … and our demented elites swoon and tug at their genitals and say hes the greatest stateman since Churchill

  2. The number of times the US Gov had lied to the People outnumbers the times they have told the truth.

    Kennedy, 911, Ruby Ridge, Epstein, Vince Foster, Benghazi, bin Ladin, SCALIA !(God damn them all straight to Hell for that one), NordStream pipeline….
    and not least of all, the farce that is Mooch and Squirrel Obozo !


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