Shake ’em if you bought ’em – IOTW Report

Shake ’em if you bought ’em

I guess.

Trans TikTok influencer goes topless in front of families during Biden’s White House Pride celebration.

16 Comments on Shake ’em if you bought ’em

  1. Topless in the afternoon at the White House, kicked out of a restaurant that night probably. We are just told they’re oppressed, but there’s never any proof. All the proof points to the complete opposite. Now they can prance around and do whatever they want while the rest of us walk on eggshells. Where’s the trans shooter’s manifesto from Nashville? Yea, they can literally kill children and be treated differently in the afterlife too.

  2. It wouldn’t surprise me if they held a pissing contest in the Oval Office afterward!

    Has anyone even seen the Oval Office since the Grinning Imbecile moved in? I shudder to think what it looks like today!

  3. Pay attention to what’s happening right now. #1 in the news cycle, by far, Trumps persecution. #2 All things sexually confused. And a distant #3 proof that our current president is a traitorous piece of shit intent on gaining personal wealth and destroying America and should be prosecuted to the fullest extent. They’re playing with us.

  4. I know you might think I’ve PT on my tinfoil stole but it is the big lead up to Moochele (aka “the Big Dick”) Obama to run in 2024 and 85-90 million votes and be
    (s)elected Tranny -in-Chief.

    What or who (in the name of Fetterman) is going to stop them after Trump gets Epsteined?


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