House passes bill to protect gas stoves – IOTW Report

House passes bill to protect gas stoves


After months-long controversy sparked by the Biden administration’s proposed option to ban it, House Republicans passed a bill Tuesday to protect gas-powered stoves. 

The Gas Stove Protection and Freedom Act, introduced in March by North Dakota Congressman Kelly Armstrong, “prohibit[s] the use of Federal funds to ban gas stoves.” It passed the House early Tuesday evening by a 248-180 vote.

17 Comments on House passes bill to protect gas stoves

  1. I read about people who can’t define a woman yesterday. the writer pointed out that if you asked them the same question 5 years ago, you would get a straight answer. now, you get a runaround. something happened in the last couaple of years that triggered them to follow the fools line of reasoning.

    that something was the media. they have been conditioned.

    it would be interesting to know how much television they watch.

  2. …if they ignore the fact they have no Constitutional authority to do this in the first place, and if they violated election laws and common sense to get us here in the first place then they are unlikely to care about ANOTHER law they would simply disregard, but have at it anyway, everyone needs a hobby…

  3. Fact is that Joe Biden has been so anti-natural gas and pushing all things electric including stoves since he received a $5 milion payout from Burisma Holding, a natural gas firm. Biden and accomplies want to hide that fact by ‘suddenly’ championing electric-anythings which include those laughable electric vehicles. Keep in mind his crack smoking son enjoyed a seat on the Burisma board which bribed the depraved old goat.

  4. Fact is that Joe Biden has been so anti-natural gas and pushing all things electric including stoves since he received a $5 million payout from Burisma Holding, a natural gas firm in Ukraine. Biden and accomplies want to hide that fact by ‘suddenly’ championing electric-anythings which include those laughable electric vehicles. Keep in mind his crack smoking son enjoyed a seat on the Burisma board which bribed the depraved old goat.

  5. Looks to me there are 180 brain dead sell out who should be denied the benefits of natural gas. Would be interesting to see how much money those 180 no voters get from China.

  6. Ban yourselves Democrats. The patriots who love their country have known for years what you ALL stand for. Control. They have had enough of the bullshit rules & regulations. I & many others will NOT bow down to petty tyrants. You have no business dictating to the people who work real jobs & just want to be left alone & live the best life with the money THEY EARN to have a gas stove, if they choose to. So, get the fuck out of our houses & mind your own business.

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