Starbucks union says dozen of stores not allowed to decorate for pride month – IOTW Report

Starbucks union says dozen of stores not allowed to decorate for pride month

JTN: Starbucks Workers United, the union of the coffee’s chains employees, declared Tuesday that dozens of its stores nationwide have not permitted their employees to set up decorations for pride month.

Baristas in at least 22 states have reported instances in which local stores forbid employees from decorating for pride month, the union asserted, per CNBC. The rationale has differed by store, with some attributing such decisions to a store hour shortage to schedule decorating, others to safety concerns due to recent backlash against other companies, or sentiment that the season does not represent everyone.

Starbucks itself has denied any change in policy and contended that, as always, individual store managers and their employees have discretion on how or if to celebrate the season. more

13 Comments on Starbucks union says dozen of stores not allowed to decorate for pride month

  1. Downtown Portland Maine Starbucks has no homo decorations up.
    A LOT of businesses and the museum do.
    You know what’s funny?
    The pot shop doesn’t have any up. lol

  2. Take a look at the precinct by precinct voting results nationwide on a map and it becomes obvious that Starbucks would be in a hell of a hurt if the progressive movement can’t figure out a way to control the monster they have created and loosed on the country. This shit doesn’t play well in Peoria. Once the masks were off and decent people found out that they had been played regarding tolerance of what goes on between consenting adults not being the objective, and in fact what the goal actually being pushed includes pushing the acceptance of sexual exploitation of minor children anyone with any sense of decency whatsoever said ENOUGH!

    Middle America is making it known that they are not going to stand for any more of it.

  3. While I have no problem with gays, if I see a store festooned with Pride flags I will choose another place to spend my money. There is nothing about mental illness to celebrate. Why would any business want to alienate the vast majority of their customers to pander to the small percentage of mentally ill patrons?

  4. “celebrate the season”

    Do we have Fall, Winter, Spring, pride, Summer now? Is this a new season?

    Or do we have Fall, Winter, Spring, pride now? Is this a replacement?

    *ahem* Allow me to read the definition of “season.” A season is a period of the year that is distinguished by special climate conditions. The four seasons—spring, summer, fall, and winter—follow one another regularly.

    Faggots. SMH.

  5. Go ahead and fly the fag flag, I won’t be buying anything from your store. Hated Starbutts from the get-go. I must go to WalMart today just to see if the kiddy faggot pride stuff is still sold in the children’s section. I saw it about a month ago and was shocked. What is about a leader that embraces faggotry? Can they be trusted? You can’t serve two masters.

  6. Dear SWU (Social justice Warriors?),
    You want to get “your” store all dolled up for “pride” month, then buy your OWN damned store. (I would give an SWU owned store one year, tops, before it goes bankrupt)
    Owner’s store(s), owner’s rules.
    Don’t like the rules, then quit and go to work (you call being a barista WORKING?!) for someone else more accommodating to your “special needs”.


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