Happy 248th Birthday, Army! – IOTW Report

Happy 248th Birthday, Army!

Birthday video from the Army celebrating its 248th birthday, in 2023. (June 14).

8 Comments on Happy 248th Birthday, Army!

  1. Lets hope, pray and work for a great 250th Army birthday! One where we have a President that actually respects and supports our military!

    I give it 50/50, but the trend seems to be turning.

  2. I hardly recognize my beloved Army now. Hollowed out from the core by the influence of Satan. Lucifer has been working to destroy America from within, and is coming very close to succeeding.

    I am not optimistic as I believe we are hurtling towards the end of days where demonic faggots bare their fake breasts on the WH lawn and the Devils fag flag hangs equal and centered from the balcony.

    We are really deliberately spitting in the face if our Lord abd Savior but perhaps he will grant us one last shot at national repentance and a purge of the demonic filth that is DC and the uniparty…

    Perhaps, but I pray harder for the rapture everyday.


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