The Halderman Report Is Out – IOTW Report

The Halderman Report Is Out

Going through the J Alex Halderman report on the Dominion machines-

Chris Paul @imyourmoderator

Halderman report.

“There is no realistic mechanism to fully secure vote casting and tabulation computer systems from cyber threats.”

1 Overview

In 2020, Georgia replaced its insecure, decades-old DRE voting machines with new ballot scanners and ballot marking devices (BMDs) manufactured by Dominion Voting Systems. Although the same BMDs are used for accessibility in parts of approximately 15 other states, Georgia is unique in using them statewide as the primary method of in-person voting 89. This unusual arrangement places potentially malicious computers between Georgia voters and their paper ballots.

In contrast, in most of the United States, voters mark paper ballots directly by hand, and BMDs are reserved for those who need or request them 87. Georgians who vote at a polling place generally have no choice but to use the BMDs.

All voting systems face cybersecurity risks. As the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine recently concluded “there is no realistic mechanism to fully secure vote casting and tabulation computer systems from cyber threats” 58. However, not all voting systems are equally vulnerable.

Curling Plaintiffs contend that Georgia’s universal-use BMD voting system is so insecure that it violates voters’ constitutional rights.

To assist the Court in understanding the risks that the system creates, Curling Plaintiffs asked me to conduct a security analysis of the ImageCast X (ICX) BMD and associated equipment used in Georgia elections. Using an ICX provided by Fulton County, I played the role of an attacker and attempted to discover ways to compromise the system and change votes. I, along with my assistant, spent a total of approximately twelve person-weeks studying the machines, testing for vulnerabilities, and developing proof-of-concept attacks. Many of the attacks I successfully implemented could be effectuated by malicious actors with very limited time and access to the machines, as little as mere minutes. This report documents my findings and conclusions.1

“Attackers can alter the QR codes on printed ballots to modify voters’ selections.” READ MORE

J.AlexHalderman on Twitter

Redacted Halderman report:


9 Comments on The Halderman Report Is Out

  1. The only 100% secure computer is one without a power supply.

    And security becomes just a bit worse when the hackers are actually the operators of the system.

    FJB FDominion

    And who the hell would buy voting machines made by a company called ‘Dominion’? Didn’t they ever see Deep Space 9?

  2. More proof of the corruption at the highest levels of govt. in GA. Current governor Brian Kemp was the Secretary of State when the $100 plus million contract with Dominion (China) was first put in place (around 2017 during Kemp’s last year as SOS). Kemp was selected (not a typo) as governor and Brad Raffensperger was selected as Secretary of State in 2018 before the entire system was converted to Dominion. Raffensperger added another $30 million or so in Dominion equipment as SOS in 2019, just in time for it to be used to steal the 2020 election in GA.

    During the last cycle (2022), Kemp was re-selected as governor (although beating perennial loser, Stacy Abrams, may not have required cheating) and Raffensperger supposedly won his primary by just enough to avoid a runoff despite being behind by 30% to congressman Jody Hice just a few days before the election (Hice was polling at close to 60% with 2 opponents including Raffensperger who was around 30%).

    I’m quite certain that Kemp and Raffensperger got huge kickbacks from Dominion / China for the “new business” with GA and have used the Dominion systems to cheat their way into power and stay there (and allow Warnock and Ossoff to steal two senate seats). Raffensperger recently tried to sneak in Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) for GA as a means to further ensure the cheat could be carried out at will by his deep state sponsors, but he lost that brief battle thankfully. GA politics has been pretty corrupt for a long time, but I think it is now worse than it has ever been at every level of govt. and the Dominion machines and the obvious corruption that comes with them are a large part of the reason for it.


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