WA: State knew of escape plan before Echo Glen inmates broke out – IOTW Report

WA: State knew of escape plan before Echo Glen inmates broke out

MyNorthwest: An email obtained by The Jason Rantz Show on KTTH reveals Washington state officials knew about an escape plan prior to seven dangerous juvenile inmates breaking out of Echo Glen juvenile facility. And court documents indicate on-duty staff were too cozy with the juvenile inmates.

Lori Nesmith, the facility’s Acting Superintendent, emailed staff on May 26 to “raise awareness of an incident that recently occurred at the front gate.” She said that as staff were leaving the facility on May 22 at 11:30 p.m., a driver in a blue car was at the gate and flashed their high beams before proceeding to drive-by. As they passed, “the occupants shined flashlights at the staff and showed a gun.” Then, they drove away.

Then, Nesmith also revealed that they were hearing a rumor about what appeared to be an imminent escape plan.

“Today we received word a youth from the east side of the state had a plan to escape and have his gang friends pick him up. We do not know if these incidents are related,” Nesmith wrote, referencing an Echo Glen who is from eastern Washington. read more

11 Comments on WA: State knew of escape plan before Echo Glen inmates broke out

  1. I’ll one up Different Tim, I live in Wash. state that is run by idiots and a bunch of namby pamby ne’er do wells who don’t give a damn about regular citizens. FJA as well as our lousy and I mean lousy AG Bob Ferguson who wants to be our next governor.

  2. “Two allegedly assaulted a security staffer performing HER nightly checks, striking HER dozens of times in the face and head, according to police documents. They then allegedly locked HER in a cell, stole HER car keys and drove off.”

  3. I live in Maine where a group of leftists has been trying for years to shut down the youth center, aka juvie prison.
    They want the young criminals to attend counseling instead.
    Hugs instead of punishment.

  4. “…allowing an innate to use their flashlight…”

    inborn; natural.
    “her innate capacity for organization””

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