Illinois Man shoots himself after dreaming he was shooting burglar – IOTW Report

Illinois Man shoots himself after dreaming he was shooting burglar

Bearing Arms: We all dream. Many of us don’t remember those dreams, but we have them. They’re often bizarre, though some are mundane and others are downright terrifying. Some even bring solace, like having dreams where my dearly departed parents appear.

But we also sometimes have dreams about things we’re concerned about happening. In a case like that, it’s probably a good idea not to shoot yourself like one Illinois man did.

8 Comments on Illinois Man shoots himself after dreaming he was shooting burglar

  1. Headline:
    Illinois Man shoots himself after dreaming he was shooting burglar

    Corrected Headline:
    Drunk Illinois Man negligently shoots himself, afterwards laughably claiming he was dreaming he was shooting burglar

  2. My daughter has “sleep walked” her entire life since childhood. She has been known to straighten up her bedroom while sleepwalking. I heard stories of my great aunt sleepwalking and lighting an oil lantern, carrying it to the barn, hanging it on the wall hook and then going back to bed. I could see this guy having a sleepwalking episode and grabbing an easily accessible firearm.

  3. I hate it when I get up, get dressed, get my stuff together, go out the door and then wake up and realized I did NONE of that, I just DREAMED I did.

    This is the WORST because its like getting up TWICE in one day.

    Once is cruel enough.

    …but there is ONE bright spot.

    At least I never dreamed I took a leak while doing all that.


    …I imagine that would lead to the actual wake-up that much more quickly, what with the dampness and all…


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