Gun control push fails in Maine – IOTW Report

Gun control push fails in Maine

Bearing Arms: The state of Maine is something of an oddball. It’s a blue state that’s also fairly pro-gun. In most other place, it doesn’t work that way, but it does there.

Yet what that does do, however, is give Democrats a lot more opportunities to pass gun control.

After all, it’s become such a part of the party platform that the idea of a blue state not having gun control is something of an abomination to them.

Unfortunately for them, their push to pass it in Maine came up a bit short.

3 Comments on Gun control push fails in Maine

  1. A lot of the Dems here are from out of state and/ or financed by the Soros $.
    Maine was pretty red to evenly split until the 1990’s.
    As a result this is in our state Constitution. Even clearer the the country’s.

    Section 16. To keep and bear arms. Every citizen has a right to keep and bear arms and this right shall never be questioned.


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