đŸ€Ł Fox News’ “The Five” liberal co-host accidentally spills the beans on Kamala Harris and Willie Brown – IOTW Report

đŸ€Ł Fox News’ “The Five” liberal co-host accidentally spills the beans on Kamala Harris and Willie Brown

If you have one of the highest achieving Black women in the country who’s now made it to the vice presidency, and Republicans and people who talk about her on-air say she’s a diversity hire, she only got where she was going because she slept with Willie Brown

13 Comments on đŸ€Ł Fox News’ “The Five” liberal co-host accidentally spills the beans on Kamala Harris and Willie Brown

  1. “…liberal activist Jessica Tarlov …” is a loon I can’t listen to for 5 seconds but she always gets more time to speak. Can you imagine dating that?

  2. Tarlov seems to be much like Harris. That is not in reference to the modes of climbing any well lubricated poles of any kind, rather she is a ‘I could do that too’, ‘I was there too’ ‘I’m just as smart’ kind of girl.

    So she winds up in way over her ability and unable to see it at all. Everyone else can but she just wonders why she keeps, to borrow a phrase, stepping on her dick, like she did on that show.

    Feminism, is there any situation where it doesn’t make things worse? Tarlov and Harris are both beneficiaries of an ideology that requires overlooking competence in favor of plain old primary sexual characteristics.

  3. Willie Brown get all the credit for sleeping with Sleazy Kamala.
    Poor Montel Williams isn’t even mentioned, like so many others who slept with sleazy Kamala.

  4. What was not spilled is the fact that back when the Harris woman was senator she challenged Biden (2019) on his racist and pro-segregation positions on anti-busing. To date, Biden did not/does not want blaks and other minorities to be merged into the public school system or anywhere else for that matter to integrate schools, including employment hires. Her challenge and exposure of him as a vile racist occurred during the Democrat primary. Joe Biden the longtime Ku Klux Klan associate and friend of pro-segregationists such as James Eastland, Herman Talmadge and other racists proves he had/has no intentions of preserving the rights of any and all Americans. Add that the reason why the Harris woman was chosen as his VP was to hide her well-founded accusations on his being a racist and anti-busing pro-segregation. It was easier to make her VP instead of removing her permanently. Biden nurtures a deep-seated and sick hatred for anyone blak yet hides it with slick promises, lies, and covert tactics.


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