Polio cases in Africa linked to new oral vaccine – IOTW Report

Polio cases in Africa linked to new oral vaccine

From March:

Last week, the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) reported seven children, six in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and one in neighboring Burundi, had recently been paralyzed by poliovirus strains derived from a vaccine meant to prevent the disease. Unfortunately, such cases are so common—786 were reported last year in Africa, Yemen, and elsewhere—that these seven might not have stood out against the noise. But there was a key difference, GPEI said in a 16 March statement: These are the first cases linked to a new polio vaccine that was painstakingly designed to avoid just this problem.

Known as novel oral polio vaccine type 2 (nOPV2), it was rolled out 2 years ago this month, and public health experts have been closely monitoring whether its use could also spark outbreaks on rare occasions. “It’s disappointing but not entirely unexpected,” says Aidan O’Leary, who heads GPEI. To Simona Zipursky of the World Health Organization, who co-chairs GPEI’s nOPV2 working group, the question for the past 2 years has been when, not whether, such cases would occur. “But you always hope you are wrong,” she says.

Although the novel vaccine is not a magic bullet, the data from the initial rollout show it’s far better than the one it has largely replaced, monovalent OPV2 (mOPV2), Zipursky and others say. The risk of sparking outbreaks with nOPV2 is “much, much lower,” says Ananda Bandyopadhyay, deputy director of technology, research, and policy for polio at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the other co-chair of the GPEI working group. more

12 Comments on Polio cases in Africa linked to new oral vaccine

  1. “Polio cases in Africa linked to new oral vaccine”

    The Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) is funded by the Gates foundation.

    786 paralyzed Children (More not reported) were reported last year in Africa, Yemen, and elsewhere from the vaccine.

    “GPEI needs to dig deep and work through all the surveillance data in both countries to understand what is happening with the [nOPV2] vaccine,” O’Leary says.
    At the same time, he says, the program needs to intensify its efforts to reach all the children being missed by that vaccine.

    Sounds a lot like the experimental vaccine for COVID.
    How many died from the Covid vaccines? Doesn’t matter anymore, as they are still administering the jab.

    In a 2020 Ted Talk, Bill Gates famously argued that world population is approaching an unsustainable level of 9 billion, a looming catastrophe that needed to be addressed by finding ways to significantly reduce population growth.

    Bill Gates’ pro-vaccine, pro-abortion plan to stop population growth

  2. I have always been pro-vaccine until COVID, now I trust no vaccines. All of my life I’ve been terrified of tetanus, if I cut myself and it had been more than 5 years since I had a tetanus shot I would get one. I gashed my leg pretty deep on rusted wire about a month ago and couldn’t talk myself into getting one because I fear what they might have in them more than I am of tetanus now.

  3. Africa – nobody cares.
    izlamic maggots recently murdered 42 (39 children and 2 adults) in Uganda.
    Is Congress in high dudgeon?
    Nope. Not even feigning concern.

    Gates and izlamic savages are free to practice their genocides there.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. My wife is from Cameroon. She is going there in a couple of weeks to spend a month. Nobody in her family or extended family or village took the C19 bio-weapon. To her knowledge none of them have taken a “vaccine” in many years. That is not true for the Cameroon community that her family hangs with in Wash DC. Many fell for the ruse. The limiting factor between those two communities is the TV. The folks in Cameroon rarely watch it since not many have one.


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