If ‘Banned’ Books Are Harmless, Joe Biden Should Read Them to Kids – IOTW Report

If ‘Banned’ Books Are Harmless, Joe Biden Should Read Them to Kids

Daily Signal:

Joe Biden recently hosted a Pride Month event for families with LGBTQ kids on the White House South Lawn. Ahead of the event, he announced that he’ll appoint a “banned book” czar whose job it will be to try to compel local communities to stock their libraries with race-obsessed pseudohistories and books depicting oral sex, rape, violence, and gender dysphoria.

Now, if that sounds like an unfair description, there’s an easy way for the president to debunk his critics: He can read selected outtakes from some of these “innocuous” books to prepubescent kids like those who showed up to the event.

Even better, he can do it on TV. After all, “book banning erodes our democracy,” says White House Domestic Policy Adviser Neera Tanden, and “removes vital resources for student learning, and can contribute to the stigma and isolation that many communities face.” more

15 Comments on If ‘Banned’ Books Are Harmless, Joe Biden Should Read Them to Kids

  1. beachmom makes 100 dollars an hour, too?

    Sooner or later the fuckers are gonna get me, too. Just know it ain’t me.

    If I wrote the payathome thing I’d do it in jive. Throw in lotsa muffukkas and shit, yo! Whatchoo you ain’t got no hunnert dollahs an hour?

  2. beachmom makes 100 dollars an hour, too?

    Sooner or later the fuckers are gonna get me, too. Just know it ain’t me.

    If I wrote the “pay my big ass” thing I’d do it in jive. Throw in lotsa muffukkas and shit, yo!

    Whatchoo mean you ain’t got no hunnert dollahs an hour?


  3. We already have fake news, a fake preznit, fake churches, fake bug food, fake elections etc. etc. – fake history is just another feather in the progtard cap. God is truth in it’s purest form and that’s why the left hate Him.

  4. NOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooo!!!!!

    don’t let this idiot anywhere near a Queer-Pedo book!
    he’ll gladly read it out loud & start reminiscing about all his previous ‘conquests’ of other children …

    “I remember the time I took little Timmy to the candy store & we played ‘Hide The Snickers Bar’. God save the Queen, man. Did I ever tell you about the times I used to drop the soap while I showered with my daughter Ashley? I’m not kidding.”

    disclaimer, although I can’t verify it:
    this was already posted by JDHasty

  5. The “banned” books are cartoon versions of porn.
    If the books are so innocent why not stock the libraries with Playboy, Hustler, Torso (I had to look up a gay porn mag name) or why not provide porn videos?
    It’s the same as animated porn, just a bit more honest concerning the grooming agenda and marxist agenda of destroying the family unit.

  6. Want Sniffy Joe to read this groomer porn on TV?
    First, remove his immunity from arrest and prosecution.
    THEN let him appear on TV.
    And watch the fireworks….

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