Teen Accuses Doctors of Madly Rushing Her Into Child Gender Transition – IOTW Report

Teen Accuses Doctors of Madly Rushing Her Into Child Gender Transition

Daily Signal-

Another detransitioner is suing Kaiser Foundation Hospitals, Permanente Medical Group, and the doctors who pushed her along the path to hormonal and surgical transgender procedures.

In a lawsuit filed June 14 in California’s San Joaquin County Superior Court, Kayla Lovdahl and her attorneys with the Center for American Liberty are accusing medical professionals of fast-tracking young Lovdahl through her gender transition, one that she now deeply regrets.

It specifically names medical professionals Lisa Kristine Taylor, Winnie Mao Yiu Tong, Susanne Watson, and Mirna Escalante. Several of these individuals are similarly named in the lawsuits of detransitioners Chloe Cole and Layla Jane, also represented by the Center for American Liberty.

“This case is about a team of doctors,” the lawsuit begins, “who decided to perform a damaging, imitation sex-change experiment on Kayla, then a twelve-year-old vulnerable girl struggling with complex mental health comorbidities, who needed care, attention, and psychotherapy, not cross-sex hormones and mutilating surgery.” read more

7 Comments on Teen Accuses Doctors of Madly Rushing Her Into Child Gender Transition

  1. Decades ago I met a guy whom I later learned was transitioning to a woman. From what I learned he was undergoing counseling to not only ensure that he should transition but to slowly move him from “male” behavior to “female” behavior (dressing, at a minimum – long hair, long fingernails, wearing female undergarmets, to ?). It was not a “wham bam, slice your soldier off” thing. It was a long physical, mental, and emotional process. Not like today.

  2. Well, come on mothers throughout the land, pack your boys off to Perm Man Nen Tay
    Come on fathers, don’t hesitate, send ’em off before it’s too late.
    Be the first one on your block to have your boy come home with a box.


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