US: Juneteenth celebrations in Illinois take an ugly turn – IOTW Report

US: Juneteenth celebrations in Illinois take an ugly turn

Celebrations for Juneteenth took a fatal turn late Saturday night when news of a brutal shooting occurred among a large Rush. One person is killed and 20 others have bullet wounds. The incident took place in a Chicago suburb.

29 Comments on US: Juneteenth celebrations in Illinois take an ugly turn

  1. Juneteenth? Another BS holiday, or another reason to get high, drunk, stupid and violent. Sometimes it seems Blacks hate Blacks more than Whitey, or Jews, or Asians.

  2. Shouldn’t there be a national holiday for whites pushed in front of subway trains or victims of the knockout game? How about the19k white women raped by blacks, that’s way more victims than Juneteenth. How about victims of home invasion? How about a national holiday for all the people killed during the George Floyd riots?

  3. …and this is not even counted in the weekend total of 11 killed and 53 wounded in the city itself. I’m sure they’ll add some more before the “holiday” is over.

  4. Any thing that makes any reference to the time their ancestors were slaves gets them agitated, so why would any sane society do it. Do Jews celebrate Auscwitz Liberation Day? Do Irish celebrate “End of Potato Famine Day”?

    Of course not, because it brings up something so terrible, it would put a damper on the “joyful occassion”

  5. This is just a few miles from my house.

    Look on twitter, democrats are trying to gaslight people saying this was planned by far right nazis because it’s 21 miles away from the south side of Chicago and blacks can’t possibly be the cause.

    No. Not at all. I took my family by the shooting the next morning to show how white the area is.

    Sure there’s some whites, but it’s mostly black. Why? Well you see the city relocated a bunch of them to this exact spot when they tore down low income housing on the south side of Chicago.

    This is quite literally the same thing as the south side of Chicago.

    Democrats believe these areas exist ONLY in their cities and any problems in the suburbs are the cause of white nazis.

    Except there is one problem. DuPage county (where this took place) used to be a conservative county and flipped blue when the magic negro took office and never looked back. There’s even an expressway that cuts through the county, I-55, also known as Barack Obama Presidential Highway.

    3-4 miles to my south is where this took place, it’s a ghetto island. Small, but densely packed. 5 miles to my north is the same exact thing. 4 miles east, you guessed it, another ghetto island. Same situation just 4-5 miles west of me. I’m surrounded.

    These are mostly all transplants from low income housing in Chicago, a plan the democrats had to flip the suburbs blue. It worked. Here we are, shootings in the suburbs. Another democrat plan hatched and executed right under our noses while republicans just look the other way, roll over, and let it happen. Then they have the audacity to blame the problem on “republican nazis.” Well, they are somewhat culpable by allowing it to happen, but it wasn’t a republican plan.

  6. ecp
    AT 2:16 PM

    “These are mostly all transplants from low income housing in Chicago, a plan the democrats had to flip the suburbs blue.”

    …they did this exact thing to Hamilton County, Ohio, once one of the most conservative places in the nation. They literally demolished the downtown projects and used Section 8 to strategically seed the surrounding second and third ring suburbs with Government dependents while building exotic condos on the former ghetto sites for liberal neckbeards that no Black ‘hood rat could ever afford. They spread the cancer everywhere the bus ran and used the Federal Government to destroy any suburb that objected.

    The place is totally blue now. All the County Commisioners are Democrat, as is the Cincinnati Mayor and the entire City Council. No Republican will ever win there again.

    …gotta give the devil his due. The Commies played one HELL of a long game.

    And won.

  7. Say, aren’t these people protected by the MSM? Aren’t these the same people who burn down their cities when they lose a championship? Aren’t these the same people who burn down their cities when the win a championship? Aren’t these the same people who burn down their cities when a black, career criminal finally gets what he deserves? Aren’t these the same feral citizens rewarded by the democrat party for bad behavior and bad decisions?

  8. I celebrated by driving to my local park and shooting 22 of my neighbors, how bout you?

    I used my gun brace to increase the caliber and firing rate iof my deadly AR pistol shotgun rifle whatchamcallit with a 500 round magazine, I’m serious, no joke, God Save the Queen Man….

  9. Juneteenth, a celebration of stupidly- literally. Dumb Texas slaves waited three years to believe they were free. Ironically, a white Army official finally convinced them. idiots!
    Love this straight talk video by Judge Joe Brown about what is another socialist hoodwink “holiday” created for control and profit.
    As usual, black Americans fall for this scam hook, line, and sinker; .


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