Border Agents Intercept “Cloned” FedEx Vans Full Of Migrants – IOTW Report

Border Agents Intercept “Cloned” FedEx Vans Full Of Migrants

Summit News:
President Joe Biden may be claiming victory at the southern border as the next presidential election cycle nears, but the crisis is far from over. The president’s open border policies have been short of disastrous, transforming parts of the border into a warzone as cartels fight over drug routes into the US. Cartels have also made big bucks by smuggling migrants into the US. 

US Border Patrol officials revealed the crisis isn’t over this week. They announced this week human smugglers used “cloned FedEx delivery vans” to transport migrants in El Paso, Texas, according to a new report from the local newspaper El Paso Times

On June 9, Border Patrol agents arrested four suspected smugglers, two from the US and two from Mexico, who operated three delivery vans full of migrants. Two of the vehicles were “cloned FedEx vans. Agents said 26 migrants from Mexico and Guatemala were found inside the three vehicles. read more

5 Comments on Border Agents Intercept “Cloned” FedEx Vans Full Of Migrants

  1. When the illegal beaners need to be absolutely, positively smuggled into the United States overnight. Delivered surreptiously to any town USA, guaranteed next day service unless they get caught. What next, flower delivery vehicles or any other marked or unmarked delivery vehicle. I probably got out of the delivery business just in time since I’m retired now.


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