Previous Target of DOJ’s Trump Legal Hit Squad Alleges Misconduct – IOTW Report

Previous Target of DOJ’s Trump Legal Hit Squad Alleges Misconduct

Special Counsel Jack Smith is overseeing the current investigation into and indictment of Donald Trump, who was arraigned Tuesday. But as USA Today reported, Smith “built [his] reputation” with his previous role overseeing the prosecution of former Rep. Rick Renzi (R-Ariz.). And according to Renzi himself in exclusive comments to PJ Media, there’s evidence tying Smith to illegal wiretaps, jury influencing, and other highly questionable behavior.

Merrick Garland appointed Jack Smith as Special Counsel to oversee Trump investigations, and Smith added David Harbach to his team. Smith and Harbach worked together before, both at the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Kosovo war crimes court, according to Politico. It was Harbach who addressed the presiding magistrate judge at the Trump hearing Tuesday, while Smith sat in the gallery.

Harbach and Smith have also worked together on an apparently politically biased case before, that of former congressman Renzi.

Renzi was convicted on 17 felony counts in 2013 surrounding alleged bribery and extortion. He pled “not guilty” to all charges and was later given a full Presidential Pardon by then-President Donald Trump. It seems multiple individuals involved in prosecuting Renzi, including Smith himself, were sanctioned. Based on a 2019 complaint and request for investigation filed on Renzi’s behalf by respected legal firm Mayer Brown, evidence was found of prosecutorial misconduct including improper media leaks, illegal wiretaps, concealment of exculpatory evidence and impeachment evidence, destruction of evidence, and introduction of false testimony before and during Renzi’s trial. This misconduct involved both the FBI and DOJ, with prosecutors under the supervision of none other than Jack Smith. David Harbach was among those handling the prosecution of Renzi. more here

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