More equipment and vessels arrive in final moments to attempt to save Titanic sub passengers – IOTW Report

More equipment and vessels arrive in final moments to attempt to save Titanic sub passengers

The U.S. Coast Guard said on Tuesday that the sub will run out of breathable air around 5 to 6 a.m. Thursday EST. 

20 Comments on More equipment and vessels arrive in final moments to attempt to save Titanic sub passengers

  1. The Coast Guard is basing that statement from a spec sheet from the manufacturer of the sub. Which time figure had not been tested in any documents available from the manufacturer. Perhaps in the aftermath and the lawsuits we will get to see the design and testing particulars for that sub. As a hardware geek and knowing a bit about placing humans that breath in a closed loop system, I’d like to see what they tested and documented.

    I’m truly sorry, but these people have been dead for days in my opinion.

  2. A catastrophic implosion would be kinder, at those depths maybe a second or two of warning at the most, more likely they never knew what hit them. If they’re sitting in that little can two miles down, staring their mortality in the face and waiting for their last breath – and then someone starts panicking.

  3. If there are multiple people in an enclosed space with a limited amount of air… or what if there were fewer people breathing? Hmmm??? 🙂
    Irrelevant of course, they are all done.

  4. They built so much redundancy into this barge going down and never resurfacing that it is a statistical improbability that shrinks to insignificance that anyone would ever survive this fiasco.

    If it wasn’t the specific event(s) that were the mechanism of failure that took them to Davy Jones locker, they had multiple backup plans in place that would all but guarantee it was going to end in disaster.

    On the bright side, I think they still get their participation trophy, posthumously, but none the less… bless their hearts, they tried to show the world that experienced middle aged white men are superfluous. My understanding is that how that works is that it must be that assumed their intentions were good and their ESG Score couldn’t be better.

  5. Well, I was thinking. It’s to bad they didn’t have voice communication. They could have told Mr CEO, good news. We’ve assembled the best experts at deep water recovery. But then we realized they were all white. LOL. So we fired them. And we have a team of black lezbos and Trannies on there way to save your asses.

    I’m pretty sure he and the rest are dead too. And woke killed this time.

  6. …a lesson I remember well was this time early on when we had a house fire. Word was a guy was in there somewhere, and sure enougb there was. We had a helicopter fly in as he was getting bucked out, to augment the 2 or 3 cop cars, 2 staff cars, 3 ambulances, half dozen or so pieces of fire apparatus, and hospital medic unit with a flight nurse, flight surgeon and pilot added to the couple dozen guys we had all for the purpose of saving this one guy. Surely, I thought, with all this hardware and all these people, all this materials and all these years of lifesaving training, this one guy can be saved.


    He died.

    All that shit was too late to save him. He’d probably been breathing smoke before the first neighbor called 911. The effort was futile before it had even been launched.

    …bringing all these boats and such in now is kind of like that. Ya gotta try, but its too late guys, this game was lost before you even pulled out your chair to sit down at the table.

    Better luck next time.

  7. Mocking God gets you a deep water demise. No wisdom, no escape. These guys admitted they didn’t care about the risks. It was only about the adventure. Some lessons are never learned.

  8. NASA learned the hard way about shoddy workmanship and arrogance with Apollo 1. Stockton Bush is right where he needs to be. It seems he had a death wish. The others were fools for believing in him. These billionaire’s estates should be billed for the rescue efforts being made.

  9. Most qualified 50 year old white guys, PARTICULARLY that had the real world experience, would have never taken a job with that Oceangate because of the culture the CEO propagated in the first place. This is a dead ringer for EACH and EVERY high speed rail boondoggle that has come along. Chock a block full of the very same morons who have no compunction playing God. There isn’t a one that was involved who was the least bit concerned with anything but their own ego. This is analogous to believing the movie The Love Bug happens in real life. Pure fantasy.


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