There’s no backup, no escape pod – IOTW Report

There’s no backup, no escape pod

‘There’s no backup, no escape pod. It’s get to the surface or die’: Journalist reveals his trip in Titan sub which is made of abandoned pipes, operated by Playstation controller, has 90 hours of oxygen – and sealed shut and only opens from the OUTSIDE.


A journalist who travelled on the same submersible that has gone missing near the Titanic with five people on board has described how it was cobbled together from abandoned pipes and driven by a games console controller. 

CBS correspondent David Pogue said passengers on the Titan submersible are sealed inside the main capsule by 17 bolts that can only be opened from the outside – with only 90 hours of oxygen.

‘There’s no backup, there’s no escape pod – it’s get to the surface or die,’ he told the BBC.  

Mr Pogue – who descended to see the Titanic last year – compared the sub to something put together by MacGyver – the TV series character known for his ingenuity in making devices from different items to get out of difficult situations. 

Recalling the interior of the submersible in November, he described white camping lights on the ceiling, off-the-shelf security cameras, Ziploc bags for a toilet and construction pipes as ballast. 

‘The main centre section looks like a shiny white tube about minivan length. It’s made of five inch thick carbon fibre which no one has ever used in a submersible before,’ he told Unsung Science. 

‘At each end of the white tube is a tiny silver dome. The front end cap has a 22-inch round window made of seven-inch thick plexiglass so you can see out. When you get to the bottom of the ocean – that’s your view of the Titanic. 

‘If you have to go to the bathroom you can crawl into the window end of the sub and hang up a black cloth for privacy. There’s a one foot square box on the floor that contains Ziploc bags. more

33 Comments on There’s no backup, no escape pod

  1. Carbon Fiber Hull. Under that much pressure one little tap and it would shatter. I read a post from another guy that went down in this death trap. It was either a year or six months ago. At that time he paid 100K. Tickets are now up to just under 300K and the company was still bleeding cash. A bad combination.

  2. I remember back to the early days of composite bicycles. The carbon fiber tubes that were bonded to aluminum or titanium lugs were failing at the “glue” joint. IIRC this was traced to differential coefficient of expansion. Coefficient of expansion – the fractional change in length, area, or volume per unit change in temperature of a solid, liquid, or gas at a given constant pressure.

    In this contraption a titanium nose was bonded to a carbon hull and then subjected to extreme changes in temperature as well as pressure.

    My inclination is that in an earlier dive a bond failure was initiated and subsequent cycles propagated an existing bond failure.

  3. Well they didn’t like those boring old white experienced engineers. They wanted diversity, and shit, and that is exactly what they got… diversity, and shit.

  4. U.S. Navy subs don’t even go near that depth. (I understand, they wouldn’t necessarily need to, as far as their mission/ops would require). The deepest I can find noted is 1600 feet.

    How would you get in this makeshift-looking vessel and go to a depth of 12,500 feet? Horrible story. Hopefully it was a hull implosion where death would be quick, as opposed to suffocating over the course of days inside that thing.

  5. ^^^^ It wasn’t just engineers. I read today he would only hire inexperienced persons of color for pilots because 50 year old man are boring or something. Well it turns out piloting one of this things may seem rather easy. It’s not. The prevailing theory I’m reading is the bumped that hull into something and it came apart.

  6. the whistleblower Mr. no old smart white guys fired had told them the stupid window was only rated to 1,300 meters….but sure go down to 4,000+ meters you dumasss…..hope it was as exciting as your diversity hires when you basically exploded at about 3,000 meters below……

  7. “…driven by a games console controller.”

    As are the periscopes on some of our navy subs, apparently. Whatever works, I reckon. But I bet Russian subs don’t operate that way.

  8. Imagine the arguing that was going on as they realized the idiot in charge hired a non-white male under 50 to design the vessel they were puttin their lives in was going to shit?

  9. JD @3:30
    I’m still laughing…
    thank you
    it’s healthier than being sad about this
    they were all idiots – except the 19 yr old son of the Paki rich guy who may not have had much choice
    I do know than they all met their Creator. I hope they knew Him.

  10. JD @3:30 wins the internet tonight

    was feeling kinda bad for the idiots for a while, but JD brought it back to reality

    you pay for your ride & you take your chances … people die on the carny rides too
    (ever seen those folks that put together those carny ride?!?! evidently, like the same people that put together this death trap … I mean, the thing was controlled by a gameboy controller! … seriously!)

    btw, JD owes me a new keyboard …. spewed a mouthful of good liquor all over it when I read his post! …. want my Resperations!


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