The Sad Case of John Fetterman – IOTW Report

The Sad Case of John Fetterman


Turley Talks

While many are shocked that John Fetterman, the “elected” US Senator from the state of Pennsylvania, is even still alive at all, his ability to communicate and even string together a coherent sentence appears to be severely lacking. In a string of embarrassing public appearances, Fetterman is showing Pennsylvania, and America as a whole, the consequences of rigged elections.

For those unaware, John Fetterman is the former far left Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania and recently “beat” Dr. Mehmet Oz of TV fame in a tight race for Senate. Many anticipated an Oz victory for a number of reasons, the least of which being Fetterman’s debilitating stroke he suffered mere months before the election. Fetterman managed to show up to the debate against Oz but it was such a poor performance due to the recent stroke that it greatly boosted Oz in the polls. He has been captured in photos with suspicious Kim il-Sung-esque growths on his neck and has almost exclusively dressed in leisure-wear since his election last November.

In the aftermath of a highway collapse along I-95 in Philadelphia, Fetterman’s handlers must have felt he was ready to jump back into the spotlight. more

18 Comments on The Sad Case of John Fetterman

  1. Here in Pennsylvania Letterman is the joke that won’t go away. He is the poster child for the vote rigging demons from Philfidelphia and Shittsburgh who screw the mostly conservative rural areas.

    His (s)election ensured our continued shame.

  2. I am astonished by the fact Democrats are deceived to the point they still show their faces and support total fools like Fetterman and Biden. it is beyond comprehension.
    America is lost, come back Jesus.

  3. Someone said: “He’s an abject, fucking moron”
    Ahhhhhhhhhh…. which one???
    Jackass Joe, the grinning imbecile with the arrogance of a used car sales man and the mental agility of a small soap dish, or Boltneck, the monster with the brain of Abby Normal!

  4. Let’s not forget that Oz, as a candidate, was a piece of crap himself and not fit to hold public office either. But at least he can speak coherently, which is more than anyone can say about Uncle Fetterman.

  5. Fuck the “sad” bullshit. Fetterman is an ambitious retard. He was an ambitious incompetent retard before his stroke. It’s kinda like feeling bad for Kamala Harris becasue she’s an ambitious incompetent whore.

  6. Sometimes I fell sorry for him. His Wife will run him through when the limelight fades or sooner.


    When I remember how useless he was BEFORE the DRAIN BAMAGE, FUCK HIM & the Short Bus he rode in on!


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