James O’Keefe Confronts BlackRock Recruiter – IOTW Report

James O’Keefe Confronts BlackRock Recruiter

James O’Keefe Confronts BlackRock Recruiter, Denies His Own Words. Hides in Police Station.

9 Comments on James O’Keefe Confronts BlackRock Recruiter

  1. Off Topic: Does any ever go the “Right Way” blog?

    It’s one of my daily visits, but as of yesterday, when I go to it, it changes to “ObamaSez” and never actually loads.

    Has it been hacked?

  2. I love how all these big tough WEF world managers lose it when the light is shined on them and they happen to be without their entourage of security like in Davos when Rebel Media was able to get a rare interaction with Bourla, Kemp and others. What a bunch of losers. Just like when Antifa gets a beat down after instigating something and calls 911.

  3. Pardon my language but O’Keefe has balls!
    Too bad we don’t have men like him in Congress and in the rest of the media.
    Can you imagine him as Trump’s Press Sec?
    He’d have opposition research on all the people in the press room! LOL

  4. Project Veritas was a great name but I LOVE that his new organization is O’Keefe Media Group giving him the acronym of OMG… how cool is that for him in particular. 😁

  5. @ beachmom AT 8:42 AM

    “Come home with your shield, or on it” was the motto of a Spartan warrior. It meant to keep your honor regardless of hardship, to fight to the death if need be, to never surrender.


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