McCarthy endorses resolutions to expunge Trump impeachments – IOTW Report

McCarthy endorses resolutions to expunge Trump impeachments

Just The News: House Speaker Kevin McCarthy on Friday endorsed resolutions from Georgia Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and New York Republican Rep. Elise Stefanik to expunge both of the impeachments against former President Donald Trump.

“I think it is appropriate, just as I thought before, that you should expunge it because it never should have gone through,” he told reporters of the efforts.

The Republicans, earlier this week, introduced the measures. Greene contended that Trump had been the victim of a politicized proceeding and that newly revealed information from a confidential human source proved the FBI had credible evidence into Biden family malfeasance involving Ukraine. The impeachment effort centered on a claim that Trump had attempted to coerce Ukraine into investigating the Bidens to benefit his reelection. more

7 Comments on McCarthy endorses resolutions to expunge Trump impeachments

  1. RINO McCarthy betrays every American for generations by increasing the debt ceiling of a bloated Federal Government.

    To appease the Conservative block he lied to, McCarthy attempts to pass a no-nothing “Resolution” to expunge Trump’s impeachments?

    McCarthy’s useless House resolution does nothing but attempts to placate conservatives and Trump voters before the election of 2024. The Resolution does nothing more.

    McCarthy has “again” through his words and actions, shown his true colors as an establishment RINO. Following the footsteps and covered by the long, dark shadow of Boehner and Ryan he betrays his promises and those who voted for him.
    Expect nothing from Speaker McCarthy and you won’t be disappointed.


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