Al Gore’s Hypocritical Vision Perpetuates Indian Poverty – IOTW Report

Al Gore’s Hypocritical Vision Perpetuates Indian Poverty

By Vijay Jayaraj | WUWT
As an Indian, I don’t know whether to be more annoyed by Al Gore’s condescension or his hypocrisy when he describes my country as “the world’s third-highest emitter” of carbon dioxide in a tweet congratulating it for pausing investments in coal-fired power plants for five years.

As the world’s most populous nation, India’s CO2 emissions are frequently cited by climate zealots in their demonization of the life-sustaining gas. However, such descriptions of “carbon pollution” lack as much in context as they do in scientific validity.

Comparison of Per Capita Emissions and National Average

The per capita CO2 emissions for the United States is 14.24 tons per year (2021). As we shall discuss, the number would be higher for Al Gore, who owns expensive properties and travels in carbon-intensive modes to international events.

In comparison, India’s per capita emissions for 2021 were just 1.9 tons. In other words, an Indian emits about 13 percent of the CO2 that an American does over the course of a year! Yet, people like Al Gore use the smear of “polluter” to browbeat some of the planet’s poorest people into submitting to the climate cult. more here

11 Comments on Al Gore’s Hypocritical Vision Perpetuates Indian Poverty

  1. Al Gore is dismayed that India is the third largest emitter of CO2.

    That hypocritical POS windbag should be terminated for being the number one and two largest emitter himself.

  2. Gore = con man
    And he’s gotten rich off of his con.
    Yet he still has the nerve to sit in front of audiences and spout his lies.
    Nice to see someone push back and with the on thing control freak commie liberals hate. Facts.

  3. Kcir – With rancid Bavarian cream oozing out of every orifice and folds of flab while covered covered with blue bottle flies and wiggling maggots ready hatched.

  4. Mr.Jayaraj,, Albert Gore Jr. has never had to wonder where his next meal was coming from. He was born into wealth, and holds a controlling interest in Occidental petroleum. He is the epitome of profound hypocrisy.

  5. We should eliminate all CO2! I’m sure global warming will stop instantly when Earth’s atmosphere is stripped away along with every lifeform on the planet.

    SMOD would be of assistance.



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