After AG Garland Denies Main Justice Interference, IRS Whistleblower Reveals Names of Witnesses to Show Garland Lying – IOTW Report

After AG Garland Denies Main Justice Interference, IRS Whistleblower Reveals Names of Witnesses to Show Garland Lying


Things are getting spicy in/around Main Justice in DC.  On Friday, Attorney General Merrick Garland and Deputy AG Lisa Monaco denied any involvement interfering with the decisions made by USAO David Weiss regarding the investigation of the Hunter and ¹Joe Biden bribery and tax fraud scheme. However, in response, the IRS whistleblower is now naming additional witnesses to Weiss’s statements.

Through his attorneys, whistleblower Gary Shapley is now naming additional witnesses to the statements of USAO Weiss:

“In an October 7, 2022, meeting at the Delaware U.S. Attorney’s Office, U.S. Attorney David Weiss told six witnesses he did not have authority to charge in other districts and had thus requested special counsel status. Those six witnesses include Baltimore FBI Special Agent in Charge Tom Sobocinski and Assistant Special Agent in Charge Ryeshia Holley, IRS Assistant Special Agent in Charge Gary Shapley and Special Agent in Charge Darrell Waldon, who also independently and contemporaneously corroborated Mr. Shapley’s account in an email, now public as Exhibit 10, following p. 148 of his testimony transcript. more here

13 Comments on After AG Garland Denies Main Justice Interference, IRS Whistleblower Reveals Names of Witnesses to Show Garland Lying

  1. why bother even mentioning these stories? nothing will happen. Can the last real American close the lights, as the america we all knew will unfortunately disappear shortly.

  2. Tax fraud, Donny pays next to nothing for the last twenty years. Why isn’t he being investigated? His top account is in prison. Pretty soon he’ll run out of people to throw under the bus.

  3. The current charges Hunter Biden has plead guilty to are the result of 5 year investigation by David Weiss, the US attorney in Delaware who was appointed by Donald Trump. Plea agreement was reached. Only 2% of these types of cases ever make it to court.

  4. Impeach and remove from office.
    THEN try for treason and execute (when found guilty).
    THEN feed his fetid carcass to pigs.

    Anything less encourages further treasons.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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