San Francisco Grocery Stores Installing Metal Emergency Gates to Stop Rampant Shoplifting – IOTW Report

San Francisco Grocery Stores Installing Metal Emergency Gates to Stop Rampant Shoplifting

Safeway grocery stores in the San Francisco Bay Area are taking drastic measures to stop the rampant shoplifting at their stores.

GP: The store in Vallejo has now joined other local grocery stores in installing metal emergency gates to combat the rising thefts.

KPIX reporter Betty Yu has been documenting security measures at grocery stores on Twitter.

“A Safeway in Vallejo has added gates and closed a second entrance. Other locations have also done this to deter shoplifters,” Yu wrote. more

19 Comments on San Francisco Grocery Stores Installing Metal Emergency Gates to Stop Rampant Shoplifting

  1. We have them at my local Kroger-owned grocery store. (A conspiracy theory floating around here is that the gates won’t open until a camera gets a successful facial scan. I’ve seen no evidence of it.)

    When Californians move in, you get California.

  2. They’ll just grab smaller amounts that they can carry and make more frequent trips.
    Arrest and prosecution would be a more effective deterrent.
    Strange that this is happening isn’t it.

  3. They will jump those small gates. I was thinking roll down gates that will hold the thieves untill the police arrive. Then the police will take them to jail and release them.

  4. Sadly all the costs are being transferred to the other customers (as they must to stay in business). Until the price for stealing is increased to where it is no longer worth it it will continue. My feeling is Rioters, looters and shoplifter should be shot on sight. maybe not to kill but…..

  5. Pics on Daily Mail, and plenty of good comments about how utterly useless that will be. So the jogger will easily jog over the tiny gate, or follow a paying dupe through. SO what the “Alarm will sound” !!! No one is allowed to DO anything. What, chase the jogger and arrest him? Recover the stolen goods back and put them on the shelf? sure, that will be fun.

  6. “Barricades also make it harder for shoplifters to make a run for it.”.

    …They ain’t running. Protected class can grab whatever, brazenly carry it to the door, and demand Whitey hold it for him or Whitey gets fired and maybe charged with a hate crime.

  7. I suppose they could go to delivery or pickup (in the parking lot only), but then the thieves will just jack the employees with the merchandise, maybe even kill a few of them.

  8. ACParker
    AT 3:37 PM
    “We have them at my local Kroger-owned grocery store.”

    …mine tried it too. Whoever installed it was an automation idiot. The automatic doors make the gate open, then when the gate closes the misranged door sensor opens in response to the closing gate. This goes on perpetually until someone on the Kroger staff gets sick of it and ties the gates open. They never actually fix it and don’t seem to know how.

    Doesn’t do a damn thing otherwise.

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  10. this is stupid.
    arrest and prosecute
    simple as
    If it does work and they are be to stop thieves, I’m ot comfortable knowing that the food I might be buying could have been previously handled by someone that might even have monkeypox or something. Or maybe they stuffed the stolen items in their underwear- they do that a lot.
    Time for stickers to be put on recovered food.
    Job creation!

  11. That will stop them, just like the turnstiles at subways!

    Soon grocery shopping will be like banks and jewelry stores were in CA, before I left that state.

    Controlled entry with corridors between doors that only let one person at a time in. Plus, you’ll have to deposit funds prior to entry, based on what you plant to buy.

    Of course, when the commies are in full control, thrives will be shot, lines will be long, rationing will be the norm, and prices will be extremely fluid, as will be the funny money the commies will print and change frequently, without notice.

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