Texas pecan farmers on front lines of border crisis say illegal migration threatening livelihood – IOTW Report

Texas pecan farmers on front lines of border crisis say illegal migration threatening livelihood

JTN: A multi-generational group of families in Texas’ El Paso Valley who’ve committed their lives to growing Pecans, the state nut, say their lives, livelihood and way of life are in jeopardy because of heavy foot traffic and crime coming from the southern U.S. border since the start of the Biden administration.

“The only reason I sleep at night is the Trump wall and the Second Amendment,” Jennifer Ivey, the wife of a pecan farmer and a Republican Party precinct chairwoman, said during a recent The Center Square interview at one of the family groves.

@izort – pixabay

The pecan orchards in the El Paso Valley thrive because the region among the most unique geographic regions of the state for growing them. 

The valley produces over 50% of all pecans grown in Texas, which produces the most among the 14 states with which it competes.

Many of the El Paso County pecan orchards are located roughly a mile from where President Trump built a border wall in 2020.

The wall was built to replace a 2009-era steel fence built after Congress passed the 2006 Secure Fence Act, which received significant Democratic support. more here

5 Comments on Texas pecan farmers on front lines of border crisis say illegal migration threatening livelihood

  1. Washington has lots of pockets to pick for taxes, a few farmers don’t mean chit to them. They just dig deeper into some other tax slaves pockets.


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