Well, Well, Well, What Have We Here? – IOTW Report

Well, Well, Well, What Have We Here?


It started with the peaceful protest of a “pride” drag show by a children’s theater group during the first-ever Pride Day in a small town near Portland, Ore. It could have ended there but for a brawl between the Proud Boys and the masked bunch who attempted to infiltrate the group on Saturday. The gauzy in-between of it all is being seized upon by politicos such as former Congressman Adam Kinzinger and Rep. Eric Swalwell to make their political points. Even Elon Musk wanted to know what was going on. Naturally, because the media and Democrat narrative prevails, the Proud Boys are taking the brunt of the criticism. But the story is not quite so pat as that.

Anyone who’s watched the street fighting between Proud Boys groups and Antifa knows that if Antifa “don’t start nuthin’, won’t be nuthin’.” But on Saturday in Oregon City, when a group of black-bloc outfitted young men attempted to join the street clothes-wearing, muscular Proud Boys, the infiltrators were chased — and beaten — out of the protest.

The profane clash went on for a few minutes, some of which was captured in this video, which got more than 8 million views on social media:

The black-bloc group was told to “Get the f*** out of here” and “Be gone!” but then something more interesting happened. The Proud Boys unmasked the interlopers. more

14 Comments on Well, Well, Well, What Have We Here?

  1. If you believe in what you are fighting for, take off your mask. Proud Boys don’t wear masks, antifa does. And so did these pansies.
    If the police (well, obviously not in Portland) arrest mask-wearers, it all comes to an end.

  2. If the Jan6th people had been wearing masks a lot less of them would be rotting in the DC gulag. When the shtf I’m wearing a mask because cameras are everywhere.

  3. Are they Glowies or are they Antifa?

    I would submit for consideration… both is also a distinct possibility.

    What doesn’t pass the straight face test is that they were acting on their own and not either FBI or FBI assets.

  4. @LCD
    Me too. And then it disappeared. Further convincing me they are indeed Feds. 4Chans calling themselves something else now days. I thought I had them book marked, but cant find them. I’ll bet they’ve ID them.

  5. Those Fed traitors should be held down, unmasked, photographed, then have their faces covered with permanent ink. They should be exposed and doxed. They are the modern equivalent of the Gestapo. They have no place in a civil, free society. They are the enemy of decent Americans everywhere.


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