Report: Convicted Oath Keeper Jessica Watkins Was Set Up by Federal Agent Posing as “1% Watchdog” – IOTW Report

Report: Convicted Oath Keeper Jessica Watkins Was Set Up by Federal Agent Posing as “1% Watchdog”


I do not know all the details of her case, trial and subsequent conviction; however, I do know Jessica Watkins and other Oath Keeper members were entrapped by a federal agent organizing activity under the username “1% Watchdog.” I am certain of this element because the J6 committee falsely accused me of being that user. {GO DEEP}

The Gateway Pundit ran an article today [SEE HERE] which includes an interview from prison with Ms. Watkins, who continues to claim her innocence. Ms. Watkins gave an interview to Flip the Switch with Jenn {Direct Rumble Link

Again, I do not know Ms. Watkins or any of her allies and associates.  However, the subpoena I received from the J6 Commitee, specifically identified her as one of the people they falsely claimed I was associated with.  I have unredacted her name from the subpoena below in the hopes that her legal team (if any) can see the value it presents.

9 Comments on Report: Convicted Oath Keeper Jessica Watkins Was Set Up by Federal Agent Posing as “1% Watchdog”

  1. ^^^Tony R AT 11:30 AM….these people are being railroaded in a supposedly free country where you have the right to protest. You think her lawyers didn’t do everything they could? The prosecutors and judges are the ones who deserve jail.

  2. At this point I don’t think jail is good enough for these people. The guillotine, the gallows, boiling in oil, burning at the stake or even a woodchipper is more appropriate. In fact, I think mummification while still alive should be considered for the top level people.

  3. I don’t think pain and death are the punishments they should receive. The last thing we need is true believers becoming martyrs and granting undeserved “glory” to their cause.

    Instead, stick them in general population. Once the gate closes, have the guard announce, “They’re all pedos. You know what to do.”

  4. @TN Tuxedo

    Even with your suggestion, they’ll wind up dead. You’re kinda damned if you do and damned if you don’t. And as for the true believers that will spawn, well you don’t exterminate half the termites in your house.

    In short, the time for civility is gone. This problem will not be solved with clean hands.

    (cool name BTW….I loved that cartoon as a kid)


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