‘What’s a Uyghur?’ – IOTW Report

‘What’s a Uyghur?’

Suarez got Aleppo’ed.

GOP presidential candidate who sounded clueless when asked about Uyghurs says he is actually ‘well aware’ of the issue.

Blaze: When talk radio show host Hugh Hewitt asked Miami Mayor and Republican presidential primary candidate Francis Suarez whether he will discuss the Uyghurs during his campaign, the mayor seemed to be completely clueless about the issue.

“What’s a Uyghur?” Suarez asked.

Hewitt moved on after telling the mayor that he needs to “get smart” on the issue.

32 Comments on ‘What’s a Uyghur?’

  1. I’m a Uyghur you’re a Uyghur he’s a Uyghur she’s a Uyghur wouldn’t you like to be a Uyghur too? ♪

    …no? how about…

    ♪ We all live in a Uyghur submarine, a Uyghur submarine, a Uyghur submarine ♪

    …ethnic cleansing is funny…

  2. Back to the original posed booby trap. Francis Suarez correct answer should have been, are they Americans? No. Than I don’t give a fuck. Dudes not ready for prime time. Neither is his grifter Governor.

  3. Us conservative will be the US version of Uyghurs if we don’t get our act together! Anybody think these TRAITOROUS BASTARDS are going to put up with our shit much longer?

  4. Why are the candidates being asked about the Muslims in Chynah?! Is our government going to “rescue” them and import them here?! We already are full of Muslims. Sound harsh? Maybe it is, but they do not assimilate. Their “holy” book commands them not to do so.

  5. Hugh Hewitt is an establishment douchebag running interference for his preferred RINO candidate(s). The Uniparty flogging of the “Uyghur Plight” has grown so tiresome that I am starting to believe that it is just another CIA regime change plot. Langley had become a One Trick Pony. Or One Horse Pony as Biden would say. And speaking of Biden, it would not surprise me if he and Lindsey Gayham cooked up a plan to send Bradleys and Abrams tanks to Xinjiang.

    Man, I would hate to be a dead American General with all of that crap hardware being sent to burn all over the world with my name on it. But I digress…Well played, Hugh. That’s quite a “gotcha” on Suarez. You should be proud.

  6. Anybody ever ask the Retarded Pedophile Usurper about the Uyghurs?

    “GOTCHA! journ-o-lism” has no place in America.

    How bout concerning ourselves with American problems? Out of control FBI, corrupt DOJ, perversion in the schools and libraries, government assaults upon our Rights, rot in the Media, inflation, two-tiered “justice,” criminally corrupt prosecutors, compromised FISA courts, a known liar pretending to be AG, ignorant, illiterate, and treasonous maggots sitting on the SCROTUS, &c.

    The Uyghurs will just have to muddle through as the Christians in Nigeria must.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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