Germany: Local residents reject plans for huge migrant container village in referendum – IOTW Report

Germany: Local residents reject plans for huge migrant container village in referendum

REMIX: The German city of Greifswald overwhelmingly rejected plans to accommodate more migrants in the area in a referendum held on Sunday.

Local residents voted with a 65 percent majority against a proposal to lease land to the Vorpommern-Greifswald district “for the purpose of building container villages to accommodate refugees.”

A total of 21,000 eligible voters turned out, surpassing the minimum threshold of 25 percent of the 47,410-strong electorate, making the decision binding on local government for two years.

Despite the clear rejection of resettling more migrants in the area, Green Party mayor, Stefan Fassbinder, remained undeterred in his ambitions to welcome greater numbers of new arrivals. He insisted the vote would not affect the local government’s pro-migration agenda, but would make the decision on where to house newcomers more challenging.

“In the near future we will have to make even greater efforts to get into the debate, to enter into dialogue with the citizens, with the economy, with everyone else, so that immigration can be successful,” Fassbinder said after the vote.

Loopholes could be exploited that may result in container villages being built in other areas nearby and the local government is exploring viable locations. more

12 Comments on Germany: Local residents reject plans for huge migrant container village in referendum

  1. Oh wait! Sorry, it’s late (or early).

    I think we should follow Germany!

    Arizona had the right idea, they just should have called them ‘homes’. So put or keep the shipping container fence; change the name,’Shipping Container “15 Minute” Village.

    Weld them end to end with the top of the container covered in razor wire 6 feet for safety from coyotes.

    Windows and doors only at the south side. And salvaged solar panels and windmills for ‘clean energy’.

  2. Unassimilable aliens and antisocial ferals are the sharp stick the global Left is prodding you with, wanting you to respond in a way that they can use to justify destroying you.

  3. “Despite the clear rejection of resettling more migrants in the area, Green Party mayor, Stefan Fassbinder, remained undeterred in his ambitions…”

    …Funny how Communists are always for Muh Democraci, except when they are against it.


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