‘Bonus Holes’ – IOTW Report

‘Bonus Holes’

GP:A cervical cancer trust is under fire for disgustingly suggesting that people call vaginas “bonus holes” to avoid offending transgender people.

Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust, based in the UK, suggested the language in 2020 — but it just went viral after it was noticed by people and posted to Twitter.

“Bonus hole – An alternative word for the vagina. It is important to check which words someone would prefer to use,” the glossary on the trust’s website states.

The website claims, “Using the correct language when referring to someone’s gender identity is a simple and effective way to demonstrate support and recognition. If incorrect language is used without being corrected, it can cause someone to feel hurt or distressed. This may lead them to leave and to eventually seek support elsewhere.” MORE HERE

32 Comments on ‘Bonus Holes’

  1. So, “Using the correct language when referring to someone’s gender identity is a simple and effective way to demonstrate support and recognition”, but using a made up and offensive word for a woman’s anatomy is A-okay?

    Is calling a vagina a ‘bonus hole’ supposed to prevent the butt-hurtness of men pretending to be women or women pretending to be men?

    Forget it. Don’t care. Trannies have inverted penises, the old snip and flip. Colon lined perineum holes. Those freaks can call theirs, what it is, perineum holes. That is what they have. A gaping, festering, shit stinking wound.

  2. So….is what I have a bonus pole – An alternative word for the penis?

  3. Using the correct language when referring to someone’s gender identity is a simple and effective way to demonstrate support and recognition.

    The writer seems to think the word “correct” has some meaning other than the accepted one.

    If incorrect language is used without being corrected, it can cause someone to feel hurt or distressed.

    Ditto “incorrect”.

    This may lead them to leave and to eventually seek support elsewhere.

    Optimum outcome!

  4. If we cannot accept that there is an unspoken social contract that acknowledges a baseline/constant that exists within nature, without any interference from outside forces (i.e. it just is, regardless of how we feel), we are doomed as a species.

    All of this identity crap is just made up due to the fact that there is a higher brain function inherent to homo sapiens. And made up is just that…MADE UP!!! That being said, it stands to reason that there are billions of identities out there. That kinda chaos doesn’t really jive when an agreed upon baseline/constant that has been established via the aforementioned social contract.

    In other words, this equation doesn’t add up. I wonder if we’re being fed lines of bullshit. 🤔 /s

  5. “…holy SHIT these people hate women!”

    Indeed. I believe it was something like putting enmity between the seed of the serpent and the woman. Paraphrased.


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