UPS Teamsters Threatening Nationwide Strike – IOTW Report

UPS Teamsters Threatening Nationwide Strike

GP: UPS Teamsters Threatening Nationwide Strike if Demands Not Met By Friday, Says There Would Be ‘Devastating Disruptions to Supply Chain.’

The Teamsters working for UPS have threatened a nationwide strike if their demands are not met by Friday.

The International Brotherhood of Teamsters walked away from the bargaining table on Wednesday and “officially demanded UPS exchange its last, best, and final offer no later than June 30,” according to a press release from the group.

“The Teamsters gave UPS a one-week notice on Tuesday to act responsibly and exchange a stronger economic proposal for more than 340,000 full- and part-time workers,” the press release continued. “UPS executives couldn’t make it one more day without insulting and ignoring union leaders and rank-and-filers as negotiations resumed on Wednesday.”

The Teamsters said that they had “reached consensus on 55 non-economic issues with the company on June 19,” but that “UPS has continued to seek a cost-neutral contract during economic negotiations.” more

13 Comments on UPS Teamsters Threatening Nationwide Strike

  1. The simple fact of the matter is that their deliberate, systematic, gratuitous “mishandling” of firearms and related packages has left me with no sympathy whatsoever for the drivers in the aggregate. If this weren’t endorsed by the Union I might give a damn about anything else.

  2. “Alrighty then, air conditioning for the entire fleet. No problemo. The government says we have get started right away, in Alaska, and work our way south. Should be able to finish Florida by Christmas. Waddya think guys?”

  3. Getting to be time for another hungry start up delivery service. 340,000 workers??? The entire US coast guard is only 43,000. And like so many start-ups, term #1 is, you boys vote union, we close shop.

  4. Bell never had AC in their trucks. And we climbed poles and humped 72 pound ladders. Nobody gave a shit.

    People have no idea how much it costs to retrofit a truck for AC. And then consider most of them are Grumman-type vehicles that need pounds of refrigerant to accomplish anything at all.

  5. I was talking to a local UPS driver, he’s been there for over 20 years. He said they agreed to put A/C in the front, but not the back. He said he doesn’t agree with putting A/C in the back or front because half the people who work for them you need a cattle prod to get anything out of them, if you give them A/C you’ll get nothing out of them. He said it’s a pizza oven in the back, but you don’t spend that much time in there and you get used to it and these guys are just being a bunch of pansies. Another thing he said they’re wanting is for packages to not be dropped at USPS if they’re sending part time workers home, he said he’s a 110% against that because then that means guys like him who have been there for years and are pretty much maxed out on salary will lose their overtime, if they start guaranteeing hours to the part timers and that UPS will lose money or shipping costs will have to go up dramatically to cover the costs of not dropping packages off with USPS because the deal they have with USPS is bottom dollar and costs less to do that and let USPS deliver them than it will cost for UPS to deliver them.
    He’s not too happy with the union, but that the union ignores those like him who do not want what they and the part timers and pansies want.
    If it’s still a thing to cross picket lines, it sounds like he’s one of them that will be crossing them. Although, he also believes when they lose one paycheck, at least 70% of them will be done with the strike.

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