Michigan woman leads effort to recall officials who approved EV battery factory with China ties – IOTW Report

Michigan woman leads effort to recall officials who approved EV battery factory with China ties

JTN: A Michigan woman is leading an effort to try to oust elected officials in her township for allowing the maker of electric vehicle batteries with ties to China to open a plant in her township.

The headquarters for battery maker Gotion Inc. is in California, but its parent company, Gotion High-tech, is based in China, which is raising concern about its connections to the Chinese Communist Party and national security. 

The effort to remove all seven elected members of the Green Charter Township board for voting in favor of a resolution to allow Gotion to build a plant there is being led, at least in part, by resident and business owner Lori Brock.

Mecosta County on May 11 approved the effort to begin the collection of signatures for a recall petition, county clerk Marcee Purcell said Wednesday. MORE

9 Comments on Michigan woman leads effort to recall officials who approved EV battery factory with China ties

  1. Can you imagine the environmental damage a Chinese battery manufacturing company would wreck here after seeing pictures of what they do in their own country?

    And natch there’s always someone to take the money. Fucking scum. At some point Henry Bowman is going to step up, that has to happen, there’s some of him in millions of us. One day it’ll be a Chinese battery plant plopped down next to the family farm(or whatever) that has been nurtured by you & yours for generations.

    Seeing the high level of censorship, I wouldn’t be surprised to learn incidents have already occurred that have been tamped down.

  2. MMinWA – The potential for extreme, deadly pollution due to fire is off the charts with something like this! Lithium battery plants are like bombs waiting to go off! Wouldn’t want one in my back yard! I dunno what these township yahoos are thinking, but I’m pretty sure their bank accounts have been fattened up significantly. TheChinese discovered that a Senator can be bought for as little as $10K. How much did they have to grease these clowns??

  3. She was especially worried about the environmental impact because she knows that the Chinese are exempt from environmental laws and take advantage of that fact while getting praised praised at the same time they destroy the planet.

  4. “Mecosta County on May 11 approved the effort to begin the collection of signatures for a recall petition, county clerk Marcee Purcell said Wednesday”

    Does this mean permission from the county is needed before a recall petition can even be started? It’s like asking the fox if it’s alright to remove him from the henhouse.

    Dangerous, polluting, and Chinese owned are only the more obvious reasons this plant would be a bad idea. They haven’t come up with it yet but an improved battery would make this plant obsolete overnight but even with improved batteries I doubt EV’s will ever amount to more than 15% of the vehicles on the road. No matter how good the battery is, it takes the same amount of electricity to go a given distance whether the battery has to be charged once or ten times.

    I’ve never seen an estimate of how much more electricity would be required to replace all ICE vehicles but solar and wind aren’t going to provide it. More EV’s require more generating capacity, massive improvements to the grid, and more mining of resources which includes not only copper and lithium but coal and uranium because green energy only means something green is going into the pockets of people like AlGore.


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