Gender-confused teen throws herself in front of train after receiving California’s “gender-affirming care” – IOTW Report

Gender-confused teen throws herself in front of train after receiving California’s “gender-affirming care”

Revolver News: The story that happened to this devastated family seems too shocking to be true, but tragically, it is true. California under the guise of “care,” removed a mentally distressed teen girl from her caring home, subjected her to testosterone treatments, and then sat back and watched as she walked onto a train track and was hit by a speeding train. This is the deadly face of leftist “progress” and so-called “compassion” in Joe Biden’s dystopian America.

20 Comments on Gender-confused teen throws herself in front of train after receiving California’s “gender-affirming care”

  1. All eugenics. They are turning confused kids into sterilized dangerous, angry, suicidal mutants. If they don’t kill themselves they’ll be after whoever else they believe is causing them all their issues. Meanwhile pharma rakes in billions.

  2. Read The Comprachicos by Ayn Rand. It talks about people such as these in a slightly differing venue, but with very similar context.

    Mutilating and permanently injuring mentally disturbed children is an evil of staggering proportions regardless of the sophistry surrounding the subject.

  3. If it wasn’t sexual confusion, it would have been something else to send her over the top. The family will no longer be subjected to the antics of what their child pulled on them. At some point they allowed certain behaviors to go unchecked by their suicidal daughter. Sadly they lost a child to mental illness, their suffering is over.

  4. TRF at 12:05 pm

    Get the FUCK outta California…
    before it kills you!!

    California is the only place they have gender confused faggots? Faggotry is every where – heck even Trump is all in for them. Yes, I know you’all don’t like reading about his party for the faggots. He’s working hard for them, and you’re going to vote for it. Whose killing who? I won’t vote for faggotry, I have a Creator to answer to. Oh, BTW, the guy who got sucked into a jet engine in San Antonio, he was gay, he committed suicide….28 yo. Happens everyday in every State.

  5. Imagine Being a kid, drowning in a sea of Insanity and watching the institutions that have been the moral and intellectual guide posts of society become the protectors and promoters of the twisted ideology that We, the old folks, aren’t buying into, because we have been alive long enough to see what is going on. Hell, I KNOW what is going on and it’s Still affecting me. Not like I’m about to join the insanity, but living in a society that has lost its way, watching the destruction of people, it’s frikken Depressing. Can you imagine Killing yourself because of jakkass Bullying you Online? Too Stewpid to Not go where that is happnin and too gutless to handle it? I know, she did it for a different reason. I hope everyone involved dies slow,agonizing and terrifying deaths. I hope their dreams are the voice of Satan telling them how much he’s looking forward to their arrival.

  6. If anyone is still not convinced that the reason They want your guns; then feast your eyes on this article because it’s this shit they are up to now, and what they are planning for the future.

  7. The proponents like to say ” Would you rather have a dead daughter or a live son?”‘ But what really happens is you have a dead daughter who endures a lot of physical and emotional pain before she kills herself.

  8. Goldenfoxx, having worked around fighter jets F-4 Phantoms while in the navy believe me I have the ultimate respect for what those jet engines will do if you get sucked into one. I never saw it happen, but I have heard horror stories from other guys in my squadron who saw it happen right in front of them. A-7’s were the worst with their jet intakes low and directly in front scared the hell out of me, I only had to launch one of those once as a courtesy to another Squadron who had landed at NAS Miramar before flying out to the Kitty Hawk. I was more than extremely cautious around that single jet intake on that A-7.

  9. The ghost of Dr. Mengele practices in California.

    The liberals and atheists are all in for the murder of the innocents. By the millions. If that’s not evil, nothing is evil.

  10. But you can predict what a mentally ill person will do.
    Unfortunately they do the blame game. A mentally ill person under going a sex change will not fix the underlying problem, their mental illness. Should they be not allowed to do this? Maybe. Should they ever own a gun, never.

  11. @geoff, 1973, fifty years ago, I still wake up to it.
    Tonkin Gulf, A-7 ate the LSO, how’s that for kismet?
    I was staring right at it, up on the bridge, radar watch.
    My exclamation, Holy Shit!, woke the brass up.
    Big pink cloud, they kept drawing a stick man on the plane.
    @ Goldenfoxx, yeah, they told us all about his drug addiction, not a word about gay.
    You would almost think it was something to be ashamed of.
    Yeah, I know, agenda, but still, I thought pride was number one.

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