EEOC Commissioner: There Will Be More Challenges to Already Illegal DEI, Corporate Race Programs After SCOTUS College Ruling – IOTW Report

EEOC Commissioner: There Will Be More Challenges to Already Illegal DEI, Corporate Race Programs After SCOTUS College Ruling


On Thursday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “America Reports,” Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Commissioner Andrea Lucas predicted that the Supreme Court’s ruling on racial preferences in college admissions will lead to an increased amount of challenges to already illegal corporate DEI programs and other methods of sneaking in race preferences.

Lucas said, “I think this is going to be a wake-up call for employers. Today is a time — the best time for lawyers to really take a look at the lawfulness of their corporate diversity programs. Even though many employers don’t use the word affirmative action, it’s rampant today, from ESG, to focuses on equity, pretty much everywhere, there’s a ton of pressure at the corporate 100 across corporate America to take race-conscious decision-making — race-conscious actions in employment law, and that’s been illegal and it’s still illegal.” more

6 Comments on EEOC Commissioner: There Will Be More Challenges to Already Illegal DEI, Corporate Race Programs After SCOTUS College Ruling

  1. …so, will the Communists tell Pedo to pack the court, or will they just whack a couple of the more conservative justices Scalia style as an example to others?

    My money’s on #2.

    …you know how vindictive they get, and they DO like them some killing…

  2. “Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Commissioner Andrea Lucas predicted that the Supreme Court’s ruling on racial preferences in college admissions will lead to an increased amount of challenges to already illegal corporate DEI programs and other methods of sneaking in race preferences.”

    Not only illegal, immoral. There are but two choices. Either the 14th Amendment is immoral or treating people differently based on race is moral and ethical.

    Passed by the Senate on June 8, 1866, and ratified two years later, on July 9, 1868, the Fourteenth Amendment granted citizenship to all persons “born or naturalized in the United States,” including formerly enslaved people, and provided all citizens with “equal protection under the laws,” extending the provisions of …

    The “progressives” are absolutely dead set against treating all people equal under the law because they profit from selling preferential treatment to some and abridging the rights of others. That is a constant with the Democrat Party. The fuckers went to war over it and are still at war over it and are still fighting for the ability to maintain that privilege.

    They are wicked and evil. Never concede the stated objectives of their agenda, look at the results when they are able to implement their agenda.

    The devil is a liar, a murder and a thief. The result of them implementing their agenda are in line with Satan’s agenda. Do the math.

    Black people were making headway until Woodrow Wilson came along. Then Black people were once again achieving the American Dream and along comes LBJ.

    Unfortunately for black Americans, much like the Irish, who I’m descended from, they have a critical mass who are all too ready to vote themselves and the rest of their population into rule under tyranny.

    They are slaves to the sin of envy and that makes them easy targets for aspiring tyrants.

  3. diversity officers should probably start refreshing their resumes, hopefully they’ll just return to their HR dungeons and we can dispense with all the DIE training they love to mandate.


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