Cocaine found at White House, conservatives quip Hunter Biden may be the culprit – IOTW Report

Cocaine found at White House, conservatives quip Hunter Biden may be the culprit

JTN: The discovery of cocaine at the White House prompted an evacuation of the premises over the weekend and led to conservative quips that first son Hunter Biden may have been responsible.

A preliminary field test found the substance to be cocaine, according to the Washington Post.

The discovery came soon after first son Hunter Biden’s visit to the White House on Friday after which he and his father left for Camp David, Newsmax reported.

It remains unknown to whom the substance belonged or how it arrived at the premises, though numerous conservatives quipped that it may have belonged to first son Hunter Biden.

Newsmax host Robb Schmitt jested that “it wouldn’t be a thumpin’ July 4th weekend without Hunter Biden ripping lines off of a bust of Teddy Roosevelt.” MORE

35 Comments on Cocaine found at White House, conservatives quip Hunter Biden may be the culprit

  1. Remember when the Trumps needed MONTHS to defunkify the oBozo White Hut until it was safe for human habitation ?!

    No imagine that task after the Shitpants Potatohead family is finally evicted !!
    Especially the room evil lil Hunter got to defile.

  2. Found in an area tour groups have access to. Most likely planted by , take a wild guess, a disgruntled cult member. Video surveillance will hopefully catch the criminal deviant.

  3. “…when you drop a bag of cocaine; you know it…”

    banjobill, one would think so, but one would also think that when you drop off a laptop for repairs, you’d also know it.

  4. On White House grounds, with a straw… no wait, in the library with a mirror—-or in the bathroom with a razor blaze. I just love playing White House Clue, even if we already know whodunnit.

  5. OH Hello, Hunter and the Whitehouse staff should take Drug Tests.

    Oh wait; the FBI will conduct a thorough investigation, there will be no conclusion drawn until whistle blowers come forward in 6 Years.

  6. White House brand crack. Highest grade courtesy of the Mexican/South American cartels. Releasing the news the Xiden Administration has cocaine sounds more like an ad for crack sale endorsement.

  7. I read that tour groups do not have access to the library. They can only look into it from a roped off pathway. The most likely culprit is Hunter, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they were giving it to The Big Guy as well. Anyone here know what effect cocaine would have on a dementia patient?

  8. @Anonymous: 1) If you had read the post you will see that Hunter was at the White House before leaving for Camp David.
    2) You sound like those leftist loons who are saying it belonged to Donald Trump Jr. As if all the personnel and cleaning people over the past two years just missed it lying there.

  9. Security cameras?! Hahaha! LOL! With all the criminal activities going on during Traitor Joe’s occupancy no one should expect security cameras in the White House not to be compromised by spyware, unedited or even operating.

  10. @river_life you sound just like a righty-tighty nutcase who fell off their meds, found in an area tour groups have access to. Shit was left there on purpose by one of your brotherhood.

  11. I will guarantee that after any PUBLIC tour that a complete and thorough sweep is done on any area and directly adjacent area of the White House before any further tour would take place. This wasn’t left by a tourist.


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