California Reparations Task Force seeks to allow child support debt forgiveness – IOTW Report

California Reparations Task Force seeks to allow child support debt forgiveness

JTN: The California Reparations Task Force recommended in its final report that the state eliminate child support debt of eligible residents as part of a sweeping package of recommendations for the state to address its history of discriminatory practices.

The panel’s report included more than 100 recommendations, including that the state issue a formal apology and pay eligible residents up to $1.2 million. It further highlighted the 10% interest the state charges on back child support and suggested either eliminating the interest owed on that debt or allowing for the outright forgiveness of it entirely. more

25 Comments on California Reparations Task Force seeks to allow child support debt forgiveness

  1. The democrats version of “black leadership” is literally the absolute worst pathologies in the “black community”.

    Stop asking these idiots what they want because it will be an unreasonable demand.

    Stop giving these people free stuff and trying to “help” them because it’s turned many of them into worthless, entitled assholes.

    Stop pretending the US black demographic doesn’t commit more and stupider crimes than all other demographics. Punish the criminal; not the demographic.

    Stop being nice to them when they act like scumbags.

    US blacks will find sanity and stability again once they are reintroduced to cold, hard reality. It’s literally the kindest thing we could ever do to US blacks.

  2. Child support forgiveness. Hey, while they are at it, why not free fried chicken, watermelon, and 40 oz malt liquor. Could they be more racist?

    It’s funny how the left pivoted from reparations for slavery, to reparations for “systemic racism/white privilege”. The best outcome for this insanity is for all the low-motivational blacks to flood into California, and leave the rest of the states to prosper.

  3. …sooo, people who were never slave owners are going to be forced to give their labor to people who were never slaves in a state that never had slavery AND absolve them of any responsibility for children they created?

    Seems legit…/s

  4. “……..for the state to address its history of discriminatory practices.”

    And, in so doing, they continue their discriminatory practices on others simply by switching from one group to another.

  5. Next thing you know, they will be demanding the deed to our house, the mortgage of which we worked our asses off and paid it down entirely.

    I am SO fed up with this. I need to get out of here!!

  6. Of course, if I manage to get out of Commiefornia and Newsome gets installed in the WH, that greasy-haired piece of garbage will turn the entire country into Commiefornia

  7. jellybean AT 2:30 PM
    “……..for the state to address its history of discriminatory practices.”

    …what they are proposing is forcibly taking the fruits of some people’s labor for no reason other than the color of their skin, and giving it to other people for no reason other than the color of their skin.

    …history has a name for that.

    Did I say California was a state that never had slavery in its history as a state?

    Perhaps I should amend that to California was a state that never had slavery in its history as a state YET.

    Enslaving people based on the color of their skin.

    Its a Democrat tradition.

  8. Californian was founded in 1850 as a free state. Nobody ever was a slave here and nobody owned any slaves here.
    This is a very dangerous game these clowns are playing. Even if they pass a monetary reward for not being white, like most inner city black folk are counting on, it will be found unconstitutional in the courts. And then what? Full on race war in all the shit hole cities. Actually this could solve a lot of our problems.

  9. “Full on race war in all the shit hole cities.”
    Let us hope they annihilate one another.
    It would save the humans a bundle.

    Outside of some architecture, monuments, and a few libraries there isn’t anything worth salvaging from these shit-holes.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  10. Why would the child support be additive? Shouldn’t it be subtracted from the “whitey-owes” tab? (yeah, its not all whites, but go with it) we’ve been paying for it all along.

    Subtract the jail/prison/police costs with interest too.

  11. Anyone might read James Michener’s Caribbean. The race war in the islands over the past 400 years was a preview for what’s to come. I suspect this one will be significantly worse since it’s monetized. Considering how Native Americans are tearing each other apart over their shares of casino profits according to their DNA percentages, I can well imagine what would happen with reparations for African Americans when they already tear each other apart over not being “black enough”.

  12. Hoo Hoo Nay Nay, I was a telco cat. The only honkey at L street. The shit I heard.

    “YOU ARE A HOUSE NI@@ER!”, Keith thundered to Chico. Chico is an unassuming dude who minds his business. I was thinking Keith had lost his mind, again. Keith was well known for going completely apeshit for no apparent reason.

    Then one day Keith screamed at me, “LOOK AT THIS SHIT!” and got me up against the table. I was about to crush his skull. He snatched my buttset off my belt and held it up for everyone to see.

    “THIS IS HOW A PHONE MAN KEEPS HIS BUTTSET!” (I always wrap my buttset cords with no wobbles or crossovers. I am pretty anal about my tools)

    Then and ever after Keith and I were best friends.

    There is no point to this post. Just people are people.


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