Hundreds of Thousands Voice Opposition to Biden Rule on Gas Cars – IOTW Report

Hundreds of Thousands Voice Opposition to Biden Rule on Gas Cars

Daily Signal-

More than 180,000 Americans sent in comments on the Biden administration’s stringent emissions rule, which threatens to remove cheaper and more reliable gas cars from the market in favor of less popular electric vehicles.

A total of 15,995 Americans submitted comments opposing the new rules through a portal created by Heritage Action for America, the grassroots arm of The Heritage Foundation, representing 8.7% of all comments. (The Daily Signal is The Heritage Foundation’s news outlet.)

“Submitting nearly 16,000 comments during this regulation’s comment period alone, Heritage Action’s network of grassroots Americans has spoken out against the EPA’s new plan to squeeze gas-powered vehicles out of the market with strict carbon emission standards,” Ryan Walker, acting executive director at Heritage Action, told The Daily Signal. more here

58 Comments on Hundreds of Thousands Voice Opposition to Biden Rule on Gas Cars

  1. Great. Not only is this a Commie move, it will destroy the electric grid.
    This is about control. How far and when people can travel, etc.
    Let’s go Brandon

  2. this whole Climate Cult nonsense has to stop…….this is getting to the point of burying our country and causing an economic and lifestyle dark ages we might never recover from.

  3. There were thosands of comments on the FDA site when they had “Public Comment” period on mamdating jabs for schoolkids too, almost universally opposed.

    Didn’t matter. They responded not at all and elected to require child poisoning as quickly as they could, public be damned.

    This will be no different.

    “And the king shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done.”
    Daniel 11:36

    …they don’t care what peasants say, and they’ve installed the largest vote fraud system in history, as Pedo himself has said.

    Communists will not stop until they ARE stopped.

    Just the way it is.

  4. Hundreds of Thousands Voice Opposition to Biden Rule on Gas Cars???

    On Gas Cars??????

    Holy Shit—I have a MAJOR Opposition against Asshole Biden having ANY kind of ‘rule’ at all.

  5. I sure would like to see the shipping manifest of that car carrying cargo ship that burned in Newark. Carrying electric vehicles maybe? If so, we’ll never hear about it. It doesn’t fit the narrative.

    Only EV’s burst into flames. Never lost a gas powered vehicle to spontaneous combustion.

  6. The whole net zero carbon deal only works if they can prove high levels of CO2 is bad for the environment. No one has proved that, in fact the story keeps shifting from cooling to warming to “it’s not normal to have hurricanes in Florida.” We have plenty of history to pick from, including 225 million years ago during the triassic period when CO2 levels were 4000 ppm, far higher than the 420 ppm we record today. For reference, everything on the planet will die if CO2 levels drop below 240 ppm, and we’re dangerously close to that level today. In the triassic period plants and animals thrived, Alaska was a jungle. There’s even evidence to show high CO2 levels coincide with a more oxygen rich environment to support dense populations of larger mammals.

    They’re trying to kill the whole damn planet by reducing CO2 levels, there’s no other conclusion to draw. This conclusion is by far more sound and settled science than the garbage thrown at us by these power hungry goons.

    In the past they wanted to paint the poles black to absorb more sunlight and even drop nuclear bombs to break up ice sheets that were “growing too quickly.” This EV craze is probably just as radical as past ideas when you consider the impact to our planet in the name of lowering CO2. It’s all batshit crazy, these people are trying to control the uncontrollable at the expense of extinguishing all life on our only planet.

  7. King Biden has made his decision
    and plebians like you SHALT NOT QUESTION!

    Exalted Kaiser Biden has exercised his prerogative
    and you will fall in line or be OUTLAWED!

    Caesar Biden has decided
    and you will obey or be CRUCIFIED!

    Premier Biden has ordered
    you will comply or be taken to the GULAG!

    Fuhrer Biden has ordered
    you will obey or the CONCENTRATION CAMPS!

    Genghis Biden has decided
    and you will be SLAUGHTERED!

    Ayatollah Assaholah Biden has determined
    and you will be BEHEADED!

    You either obey
    ( and without question )
    The asshole, retarded taffyhead jerk in the WH

    Or you ARE being investigated by the

    and any and all other CRIMINAL entities of the Federal Gov’t

    Count on it

    They’re ILLEGALLY watching EVERYTHING you do
    Listening to EVERYTHING that you say
    hoping to trap you into some spurious
    and even imaginary infraction for which
    they can lock you up indefinitely for a
    supposed crime that NEVER HAPPENED

    JUST LIKE THE J6rs who have never even been
    charged with anything
    Although they are still incarcerated for actually IN FACT


  8. I always knew I’d end my days in jail somewhere.

    Fightin’ for big blocks and straight pipes is my Bunker Hill I suppose.

    I just hope my dental surgery to get Jaws metal teeth implanted goes through before I get pinched.

  9. “ ’71 Dart went WAY faster after I put vinyl racing stripes on it…”

    If that Dart were a 4 speed 340 and you still owned it I’d give you 30K for it. Headman headers were the shit.

  10. The fug do you know about muh eye?

    Whatever. Look up s. Guy is in town and that’s pretty much what he sells. But for 12 to 18 not 30. Was looking at a 67′ Chrysler 300.

    But I looked up Darts…..holy moly they do go for 30K.

    I dunno’, this whole market is pricing me out. I can’t even find a cheap Crown Vic to fix up. Jeeze. This is how they’re gonna’ outlaw cars. Just make them so expensive only millionaires can afford them.

  11. Apparently broke Burr

    Dude, the way you type gives away your eye. Everything slants to the left. Did I ever tell you how much I enjoy you here? To funny. 340 was the best small block ever made. Period, end of story.

  12. It does?
    Just looks all blurry to me. Mostly I can’t catch errors unless there’s a red line under it. Other eye seems to be O.K.

    But ” 340 was the best small block ever made. Period, end of story.” I’ll have to look that up. I’ve been stuck working on 352/390 big block Fords so long I’ve forgotten most other things.

    30k for a dart. Who has that kind of money just laying around?

  13. “It does?”

    Might be just me. Pissed the wife off the other day and that bat to the head has me a little disoriented.
    My Old Pig Ain’t Running, commonly known as MOPAR came out with some D port heads in I’m thinking 1990. I just love small blocks with tons of RPM. You can twist that shit to 9K. Lets build one.

  14. Cool by me.

    A. I have to go to SoCal tomorrow to pick up a ride.
    B. whatever we build goes to the Widow of Ghost of General… know. The guy with the coat.

  15. That might be the “Ghost of Brig. General John Glover”. I believe his widow is Mary Hatch. A few days ago iOTW ran a story about how John Glovers Massachusetts Marines saved George Washington’s bacon in New York.

  16. Yes Joe, the very same. Dude hated me but I always keep my word.
    Besides, if she doesn’t want it, we can always sell it and give the proceeds to the site.

    I miss being able to post pictures.

    Bradford……rolling chassis of what? I can roll up in Colorado and pick up a 32 Ford or model t stuff. I can get pretty much everything else right here in town. Just throw a dart at a poster of badass rides and pick one.

  17. Bro, 68 to 71 Dart. I’m looking too. My last go fast shit. A tribute to never cracking the throttle while snapping gears. LOL, never purchase one of the super cool tachs that have a flash to let you know when you’ve hit your desired shift point. That doesn’t work out so well AT NIGHT.

  18. Oh yeah, Phil. Phil was told using 0 weight oil would gain him 8 horsies in his Ducati Monster. He did it. 20 minutes later he had no oil pressure and gudgeon and main knocks. That didn’t stop him for a day. He did it to a 996 the same week.

  19. Auto. We could weld the clutch pivot point in, but honestly that never seem to work out right. Mean while this is an interesting video. I’ve personally noticed all these new Super Fast Factory Cars are really good at making bitchen noises. But I’m not seeing the tooth jarring acceleration in any of them. Case in point.

  20. O.K. you’re the chief mechanic on this one. Don’t know a thing about them. But looking at that guys yard full of mopar stuff…..pretty sure I’m gonna spend a few extra hours just lookin at stuff.

    The only issue I have with cooling is I HATE the way the twin fan aluminum radiators look. Looks cheap and whory. I have a guy that could rebuild the original in brass like he did mine.

    Wanna’ take this bitch down to the frame and acid dip it?

  21. Also, a plan. Monthly budget. Schedule for major components. Finalized plan…boring crap like that. Get a 340 and deck, port and plane it?

    Maybe you know a guy who could make custom fasteners….

  22. “ Set up barkolounger in shop for Brad to take naps in.”

    I’ll need that. I’m so old they need to carbon date me. In return I’ll bring my ROKU. I’m watching Gun Smoke In Tuscon right now. How cool is that? I also bring a good beer. Which honestly I have mixed emotions about. It’s a really good beer. Farmers brewer, here’s the problem, “ put your lips around a farmer” as a catch phrase is not cool.

  23. ….we’re still talking about me rolling out to dallas and picking up a 318.

    does it go to your shop or what?

    Also, what’s gun smoke? Ain’t they got Silverado on the tube?

  24. Brad AT 10:20 PM
    ‘“ ’71 Dart went WAY faster after I put vinyl racing stripes on it…”

    If that Dart were a 4 speed 340 and you still owned it I’d give you 30K for it. Headman headers were the shit.’

    …nope. Slant 6 225 with automatic transmission, but I wired the grille of a wrecked Coronet over the original so that made it go faster too. Went to the scrapyard decades ago after I finished destroying it while learning to work on cars, but I still have the head and the engine block (seperated for all eternity) for some reason…

  25. See how quickly it went from “Have we got a deal for you” Cash for Clunkers to this “You will submit” authoritarianism?
    It’s time for a 1776 reset.


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