‘One mile over, we’ll be there and we’ll see you’ – IOTW Report

‘One mile over, we’ll be there and we’ll see you’

The World’s Largest Roundabout Has a Circumference of 3.4 Kilometers:
The Putrajaya Roundabout in the administrative capital of Malaysia holds the Guinness record for the world’s largest roundabout. It measures 3.4km in circumference and features 15 entry/exit points.

21 Comments on ‘One mile over, we’ll be there and we’ll see you’

  1. red lights? … I think they missed the concept

    but, it’s much nicer than anything we build here … since the ’60’s our gubmit has been obsessed w/ Soviet-style concrete bunker-type building & architecture.

  2. @ ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ Brutalist architecture and coming around again. I thought it was sad to see a former cow pasture filled with the midwest Palace of Versailles. Brutalist architecture houses painted black in former corn fields are even worse. This stuff is just crap.

  3. Great.
    Ditch Bristol & ShitCago the CRAPCAR CIRCUIT & move them to these roundabouts.

    Note: I’m only tuning in to see Bubba BallFace Crash.

  4. Took the wrong exit on a roundabout in the middle of nowhere Wisconsin coming back from the Minneapolis airport on Friday. Ended up on hwy 46 which doesn’t really go anywhere when I wanted hwy 63 which goes North into wilderness. The GPS had me back tracking all the way South back to the interstate. I tried the roundabout again instead and this time made the right exit.

    The Malaysian roundabout actually seems to makes sense though, the exits go somewhere and traffic seems to flow well.

  5. They have begun throwing those things up around Michigan everywhere.
    They get them done quickly so people who haven’t been in that area for awhile don’t know that they are there.
    When they open up the first couple weeks it’s skid marks, car parts and landscaping shrubs.

  6. Different Tim

    The double round about that they had on the East side of MI, pissed off a lot of truckers.
    There was hardly any room for them to navigate properly.
    If I recall, they finished up construction of it just as winter hit.
    Had all the lane markings covered by snow and signage was completely installed.
    Hated that one, as if you missed your exit, you were thrown back onto the expressway, and no off ramp for 10 miles.


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